Essay 2 feedback

After reading the feedback of Essay 2, I realize I have something needs to improve. First, I did not give a clear publisher and publish location of the article I used. Second, I did not use APA in-text citations and references correctly. Third, I did not give a clear statement for some of my points. But I believe I did a good job on connecting ideas between the article and my own experiences. I think I can improve these problems by doing a better organization.

10/28 in class writing

I work with Hang Yang and Aditya Kumer. Hang Yang mainly talks about people do not want to be different from others. Hang Yang explains why people do not want to be different from other and gives an example about children would bully someone that are different. Hang Yang’s point is similar with mine, because we all mentioned that we do not want to be different and we put effort on being normal.

There are many people who are addicted to the social medias. For example, when I hang out with my friends, people always playing on their phones instead of talking to each other. I think that’s because people do not want to feel that they are abandoned on the social media. However, People should care about their personal lives and health and stop worrying about virtual platform presence. It will help to feel more confident and pleasurable in personal lives.

Sept 19, 2020 In Class Writing

Partner: Zhiheng Wang, Elizabeth O’Connor

After reading Zhiheng’s discussion, I found out Zhiheng’s points are more detailed than mine. Zhiheng talks a lot about pathos, ethos, and logos, and how can these three rhetorical strategies apply to visual arguments. Zhiheng gives an example of a Thailand environmental ad, which explains why visual arguments are effective.

After reading Elizabeth’s discussion, I found out Elizabeth’s discussion is similar with Zhiheng’s discussion. Elizabeth also talks about how ethos, pathos, and logos can apply to visual arguments. Elizabeth gives two examples of how images can influence people.

Oct 14, 2020 In Class Writing

I read Barack Obama’s twitter. In this tweet, Obama gives out four reasons of voting to Biden. The four reasons are getting this pandemic under control, building a fairer economy, taking on climate change, and protecting our health care. All of these four reasons are problems that American people are caring about.I believe Obama uses ethos and pathos to make his points more persuasive. Obama mentions four things that people currently care about to make people vote. Obama also posts a video of instruction of voting. At the beginning of the video, Obama repeats that why is it so important to vote, and emphasize the four reasons of voting.

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