Month: October 2020

10/28 essay reflection writing

my comments on my Essay: While your ideas are really captivating in this essay and are intriguing to read, this submission doesn’t fulfill the requirements of the assignment, which is about selecting an op-ed article or an editorial and doing a rhetorical analysis (please read the assignment prompt more carefully and see the evaluation criteria to help you complete the process step-wise).
Please let me know if you want to meet with me individually to discuss your revision plans.

I just forgot to add the article to my writing but I did find an article.

10/26 free write essay 3

The problem education system is something I’ve been thinking a lot about, why we choose to go with the flow have all these standards for what we need to learn instead of learning what we want. We have all these understandings and agreements with terms we dint sign up for. and as we get older and more self aware we still continue to follow what they say mostly teachers social ,media, how we should live our life go to college get a degree because that’s what is normal. Learn math and learn science even though you’ll never use this information again and oh don’t forget to learn a foreign language that you’ll forget next year as well. its stressful and brings no real meaning or passion to our lives at a certain point we should be able to decide what why we are taking these classes, I want to be a part of a school that lets students build their own degrees and choose classes that interest them that they will use in their life to better them, not because someone says so. but then again that’s in ideal world. and its complicated so have to stick to norms.  for my essay ill explain why I think schools should be different start later and also curriculum should change.

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