The MAGICS lab (Machine Learning, AI, Gaming Intelligence, and Computing at Scale) is focused broadly on research in machine learning, deep learning, AI, natural language processing and big data. The lab’s objective is to convene a group of students and faculty with complementary skills who are interested in learning about and solving broad, data-focused problems through the use of contemporary and cutting-edge algorithms and computational techniques. Both newcomers to the field and seasoned veterans alike are encouraged to join our weekly meetings, which include research presentations as well as tutorials on the latest tools and libraries in ML, AI, and big data. Continue reading “Meet the MAGICS with Professors Matthew Malensek and David Guy Brizan”
Professor Joshi to Present at the Frontiers in Education 2019 Conference
Congratulations to Professor Alark Joshi and colleagues for their paper accepted at the Frontiers in Education 2019 conference! See below to learn more about the paper. Continue reading “Professor Joshi to Present at the Frontiers in Education 2019 Conference”
Hackathon 2019
CARD Research Day 2019
Computer Science students presented their projects to fellow USF Dons and guests in the 9th annual Creative Activity Research Day (CARD) on April 26th, 2019. Continue reading “CARD Research Day 2019”
Student Profile: Hassan Chadad

Hassan Chadad is a graduating Master’s student from Lebanon. As a tutor in the CS Labs, Hassan helps students at all levels to master key CS topics and help them grow as programmers. Hassan has web development experience and is passionate about the education sector, building games and systems that help educate others. Continue reading “Student Profile: Hassan Chadad”
CS Alumni Mentorship Opportunity
Apply Now! Undergrad Newmark WiT Scholarships

Female undergraduate students in good academic standing majoring in Computer Science or Data Science with sophomore standing or above are eligible to apply.
We will primarily consider financial need, as well as scholarship, service, and diversity when selecting scholarship recipients. The application will ask for:
- Name, email, student ID, overall GPA, and major GPA
- Current financial aid information
- Details about work outside of class
You will be asked to answer the following essays:
- If awarded, how will receiving this scholarship contribute to your academic success at USF next year? Please keep your response under 300 words.
- Please describe your scholarship and service, including concrete evidence where possible. This can include a mix of your GPA, individual class grades, class projects, side projects, research projects, internships, community service and volunteer work, and more. Please keep your response under 500 words.
- How would receiving the undergraduate Newmark Women in Tech scholarship contribute to your career goals after you graduate? Please keep your response under 300 words.
You will also be asked for the contact information of two faculty advocates. Please be sure to reach out to these faculty members BEFORE submitting this application!
Continue reading “Apply Now! Undergrad Newmark WiT Scholarships”
Craig Newmark Gives $230,000 to Support USF Women in Tech Initiative
The University of San Francisco’s (USF) Department of Computer Science is thrilled to announce a $230,000 gift from Craig Newmark, the founder of craigslist and Craig Newmark Philanthropies, to help fuel the department’s Women in Tech initiative. This extraordinary gift is a continuation of Newmark’s longstanding commitment to supporting gender equality in technology. His goal is to help more women become interested in coding early on in their educational careers and to aid in the fostering of an inclusive environment for all women in tech. Continue reading “Craig Newmark Gives $230,000 to Support USF Women in Tech Initiative”
MSCS Alumni Profile: Anjani Bajaj
USF’s Computer Science graduate community comes from a wide-range of academic and professional backgrounds. With 19 countries and 14 states represented, they also come from all over the world! Recent MSCS graduate, Anjani Bajaj is one such alum, who recently joined PlayStation. Continue reading “MSCS Alumni Profile: Anjani Bajaj”
BSCS Alumni Profile: Marilyn Cruz ’18
The University of San Francisco’s Department of Computer Science is a diverse community that welcomes students from all over the world and from many different backgrounds, going on to do incredible things in the world. One such recent alumni is Marilyn Cruz (BSCS ‘18) and she is making a impact at Snapchat. Continue reading “BSCS Alumni Profile: Marilyn Cruz ’18”