class 11

As I was watching the  Tyler Oakley youtube video, I noticed that him and Mamrie Hart had e what Julie Beck calls “youtube voice”. Both Tyler and Mamrie seem to be bouncy, which is shown through long vowels. Not to… Continue Reading


class 11

Having been an athlete my entire life, I do know what it is like to have worked and sacrificed for a team. I’ve played softball and baseball my entire life, so there comes a time in every game where you… Continue Reading


class 10

Having classes on Halloween would normally be a bummer, but I was not disappointed with this week’s class. Not only was it fun to see Ciara walk in as a jellyfish, but it was fun being able to discuss our… Continue Reading


module 3 reading response

Bike Snob by Weiss-Velo Taxonomy  I found to be hilarious. He depicts the different categories and subcategories amongst the biking world. Provides a thorough, almost comedic, description of each bicyclist. He then further explains their traits/characteristics so you can spot… Continue Reading


class 9

I did not expect it to be so hot on Tuesday, but it always makes things interesting in our class. The recklessness due to the heat allows for everyone to focusing in on the task at hand, because we want… Continue Reading