October 28th 2020 individual writing

After reading Meijing Zhao’s response. We can both agree on Paula Mirando’s argument and her main points: multiethnic children should accept all their family cultures and not in favor one and deny the other. However, the difference between her work and mine is that she did not have her own experience that connects to the essay. So that, she did a better analysis I think to explain Paula Mirando’s situation. I can tell that she imagined herself in Paula Mirando’s position, she felt what Paula Mirando felt. Although she does not have a personal experience on multiethnic family, she does have a clear understanding on Paula Mirando’s work.


Reflection on Essay 2 feedback

After read professor Tika’s feedback on my Essay 2, I do see some changes that I can improve in the future. I think one of the most important thing that I was missing in this essay is the percentage of each part of analysis. I think I wrote too much for ethos, so that for logos and pathos, the details did not show them effective enough. In the future, I will limit how each part’s length should be. Also, I made some mistakes on things that I shouldn’t, such as I didn’t put where did the article get published. That is a sign of I didn’t pay attention to my essay close enough. In addition, I also need to improve my time management in the future essays. I felt I did rush through this essay a bit, so next time in the future, I will try to break my essay down to parts and I will finish each parts in each day. So that, there will be less mistakes since I don’t write a lot in one time.

October 26th 2020 Free writing

For this proposal argument essay, I want to write about food insecurity during pandemic. I choose this topic because I did a speech on this before, I am aware of the solution of food insecurity in U.S. However, the solution I found was for normal times, since the pandemic started in U.S., more and more people lost their  jobs. I think there had to be a high need in food insecurity during this hard time. A quick solution that pops into my mind is homeless shelter, but I believe the government figured out more solution to solve people’s needs. I will also find how people are helping each other to solve food insecurity if I can. This topic is pretty a big theme nowadays, so I think there will be a lot of resources for me to find, I won’t be worried about finding evidences.

Problem: food insecurity during pandemic.

Solution: food shelters.

Other solution: government funding…

October 26th 2020 In Class individual writing

I read Ori’s response and his ideas and mine were pretty different. We had different perspectives on this essay. Ori’s response were talking about how the story of the grandma like the way she talk can apply to others. He was saying that talking too openly like the grandma will sometimes make the person who were listening be more offensive. But my opinion were the way she talk is totally understandable in Chinese language logic. If she knew the correct English translation of the word she wanted to spoke, I think she would definitely make less mistakes on words. I think the important thing that she was sending were love, love can be spoke beyond language. Also, I think she won’t talk that relaxing with strangers. She talk like that because she was with her families.

October 21st Group Activity

A. Directions: Read the following scenarios and decide whether it is a case of plagiarism or not. (Y or N) and explain why.
__N___ 1. Kyoko needs to write a report on American politics. She looks up Barack Obama in Wikipedia and discovers he is the 44th president of the United States. She includes this information in her report but doesn’t mention Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is not a credible resource.
__N___2. Tam is writing a paper on a novel for his English class. Since the whole class is reading the same book, he doesn’t need to use a citation.
Citation is needed when quoting something.
__Y___3. Sugi wrote a paper for his European history class last semester and got an A on the paper. This semester, his Political Science class is addressing some of the same issues that are in his History paper. He checks with his professor first who agrees with Sugi, so he uses the material from his History paper.
Sugi and his professor had agreement.
__N___4. Ramiro, Stephan, April, and Chris are working on a group project. Chris submits his work and the others suspect that some of it came from the Internet, but it sounds good, so they submit it.
Anything that is not writer’s words needs to be quoted and referenced.
__N___5. Maria finds a lot of good information for her paper on the Internet. She carefully changes the wording and prepares a good paraphrase. She doesn’t copy anything verbatim.
Maria used others’ ideas even though it was in her words.
B. Directions: Decide whether the information described in each scenario will require citation of the source (Y or N) and explain why.
__Y___1. You clearly identify the source at the beginning of a paragraph that summarizes the author’s ideas about teenage drinking. Since readers will naturally assume all of the ideas in the paragraph are from the source, no additional citation is necessary.
Citation is always needed no matter what form of quoting.
__Y___2. In your paper on the history of aviation you state the date of the Wright brothers’ first successful flight at Kitty Hawk.
Writer needs to mention where did he get the message about the date of the Wright brothers’ first successful flight.
__Y___3. In a paper on the civil rights movement you find some general, well-known background information in an encyclopedia. It is obviously common knowledge, so you copy the information and include it in your paper.
Putting information from the internet need to be cited.
__N___4. You ask your mother about the steps she went through in obtaining a bank load for a new car. You include this information in your paper.
Personal experience does not need citation.
__N___5. You skim a 325-page book entitled Using the Internet. A major theme throughout the book is that the Internet is an important technological achievement. You include this in your paper.
Brief introduction of the book.
__Y___6. You find an article that takes the same position you have taken on the subject of gun control. To save time you summarize in your paper a portion of the argument from the article, since the author’s ideas are identical to your own.
Citation is needed when using someone else’s ideas.

Individual writing on the blog: Reading response analysis

After reading Abby and Ori’s response on visual arguments. We were all agreed on that image does help people have a more clear look to what the writer is talking about. Sometimes, words are just colder than a colorful image that came after it. Something that I didn’t talk about was the difference between colors. Abby did mentioned it. Different colors will have different attractive effect. For example, yellow is brighter than grey, so that people will suddenly recognize the yellow. Picking a right color is needed.

October 14th 2020 in class writing

The person I chose from instagram is Cristiano Ronaldo. The reason I chose him is because he has the strongest ethos among all other people on instagram. He is one of the best and richiest soccer players in the world. He had about 238.89 million followers from all over the world. By looking through his Instagram page, I can tell that he is definitely a hard-working person. He loves his team, and his family. He likes to shares stuff about his team and family. Cristiano Ronaldo was also one of the most attractive men in the world. He seems like he is the same as what he is showing to the world.

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