Have you ever heard of Jogo do pau? Learn about this ancient type of martial arts below.
Author: tdutraemello
Livros infanto-juvenis online em português
Uma ótima seleção de livros em português em formato digital — e gratuitos! Disponíveis no projeto Eu leio para uma criança.
The Portuguese in the US: did you know?
Here are some numbers that demonstrate the presence of Portuguese-American in the United States according to the 2018 American Community Survey.
Do you know anyone of Portuguese origin in the US? The Portuguese have been in this country for a while and have contributed quite a bit to this country.
Lusophone authors Mia Couto and Julián Fuks in The NYT’s The Decameron Project
The Decameron Project by the New York Times features two Lusophone writers whose stories were translated into English and are part of a rich collection of 29 literary texts about the pandemic.

Portuguese author Mia Couto wrote An obliging robber, beautifully written and illustrated, and worthwhile reading. Read it in the Portuguese here.
Brazilian author Julián Fuks shares with the readers his A time of death, the death of time story. I bet you will related to what he wrote!
About The Decameron Project by The New York Times: “As the COVID-19 pandemic swept the world, we asked 29 authors to write new short stories inspired by the moment. We were inspired by Giovanni Boccaccio’s “The Decameron,” written as the plague ravaged florence in the 14th century.”
Morte e vida Severina – Death and life of a Severino
Assista ao desenho animado Morte e vida Severina, Auto de Natal Pernambucano (Death and life of a Severino, Auto of Pernambucan Christmas), a versão audiovisual da peça teatral de João Cabral de Melo Neto, publicada originalmente em 1956 e adaptada para os quadrinhos pelo cartunista Miguel Falcão.
Em preto e branco, o desenho animado narra a jornada de Severino, um retirante nordestino, que migra do sertão para o litoral pernambucano em busca de uma vida melhor. Morte e vida Severina é uma das grandes obras da literatura brasileira.
“– My name is Severino,
I have no Christian name.
There are lots of Severinos
(a saint of pilgrimage)
so they began to call me
Maria’s Severino.
There are many Severinos
With mothers called Maria,
So I became Marias’s
Of Zacarias, deceased.”
Morte e Vida Severina by João Cabral de Melo Neto (Translated by Elizabeth Bishop)
Americans in Brazil
In the 1800s Americans were invited to settle in Brazil and bring ideias for the technical and agricultural development of the South American country. They were offered land and slaves to develop farms and businesses.
Read here how the Confederate loyalists ended up in Brazil in the late 1800s.

Keeping up with Portuguese during school break
Heranças africanas na língua portuguesa
Variantes da língua: Portugal x Brasil
Watching movies: using subtitles to learn Portuguese
The Lusophone world has produced lots of great movies and documentaries which can expose you to the Portuguese language and and its rich cultures. Click here for suggestion of movie features worth-watching.