November 30 in-class writing

For my argument speech that is due to this Friday, I think to bring the topic of the dangers in vaping Electronic cigarettes. This topic is highly interested me because I have heard about people that died from vaping these products even though that the companies that produce it says it won’t harm you. I saw a report the other day that mentioned that more than 20 percents of the population smoke electronic cigarettes. That is a large part of the population, in my opinion and I think that something has to be done because many people can be harmed by the use of these products and might lead to short to long term problems. I know that many people find fun in vaping e-cigarettes, but I want to raise the awareness of the damages it can cause and to prevent my peers for this class to consume electronic cigarettes from any kind. For the solution of this problem I suggest to force the companies to do researches on the consequences of electronic cigarettes on people’s life. Then, to force them to publish their results on the cover of the product so the consumers would be able to see the results of what vaping do the human body. I think that it is obvious that the results will not encourage the people to use these things and think again before they inhale from the product. The best option is clearly to stop smoking, but I know that it is not applicable because there are people that must smoke something. The best alternative might be vaping weed maybe? or steam.

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