A Response to Byrne

In David Byrne’s writing he doesnt exactly go into much detail about the places he bikes through, he often goes on tangents and I find difficulty finding the correlation to what he mentions the place the chapter is about and what the purpose was in adding certain paragraphs. An example in that would be in his San Francisco chapter. In the beginning he talks a little about the area of San Francisco and its nature and then he starts talking about the Silicon Valley and the big dot com boom and how he met up with Jonathon Ive who works at apple and has a huge impact for creating many devices we have seen today.

Continuing to talk about the San Francisco chapter, Byrne briefly talks about the groups of people who have had a long tradition here and places, one of which was the Bohemian Grove.

While reading I had thought that this “Bohemia Grove” was a place where hippies were housed and was confused when I started reading about the Manhattan Project so I looked more into it. bohemiangrovepic

So what I found out was that the Bohemian Grove is a campground in Monte Rio, California where people, mainly the rich and powerful would come and do some heavy drinking, talk, and do other things with the purpose of “escaping frontier culture” or the “interests of common men”. It was a place where many US presidents have gone in the past and its just basically a semi secret place where these people could have a large pow-wow.


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