bikesnobnyc & Velo-Taxonomy

Cover of Eben Weiss’s first book, based on the bikesnobnyc blog.

Way back when in the early days of this course, a student named Kiran Malladi told me about the bikesnobnyc blog. Kiran is now a manufacturing design engineer at Apple, and hard at work, I hope on the much-touted Apple bicycle.*

Bikesnobnyc is written by Eben Weiss, who has become America’s foremost (and most ill-tempered) public bicycle intellectual.

Read Weiss’s humorous taxonomy of cyclists–when you ride a lot in the city, you start to notice that there are lots of different groups out there. Weiss focuses on people who ride for fun (mainly)– he doesn’t much mention people who ride bikes out of economic necessity.

I don’t know if Weiss has launched a public speaking career. If you can find video of Weiss speaking, add a link to it in the comments (below).

*There is no Apple bicycle, touted or otherwise. Except in our dreams.