Set up your keyboard to use the correct characters as you type
1-Set up international keyboard: select English – United States – International
2-Press the codes in the bracket at the same time, followed by the letter you want to be accented.
[Shift ~] = tilde (til) -> pão
[`] = grave accent (crase) -> Sairei às duas horas.
[‘ ](apostrophe) = acute (acento agudo) -> está
[Shift ^] = circumflex (acento circunflexo) ->experiência
[RightAlt c] = cedilla (cê cedilha) -> balanço
Go to Apple -> System preferences -> Keyboard ->Input sources -> U.S. International – PC
Then, press the two characters at the same time, release them, then type the letter you want to be accented.
[Option n] + letter = tilde (til) -> não , caminhões
[Option `] + letter = grave accent (crase) -> Fui à escola.
[Option e] + letter = acute (acento agudo) -> Kátia, café, índio, pó, cúpula
[Option i] + letter = circumflex (acento circunflexo) -> você, pôr, âmbito
[Option c] + c= cedilla (cê cedilha) -> força, soluço