Heranças africanas na língua portuguesa

A miscigenação linguística é responsável pelo idioma rico e variado que falamos hoje no Brasil — o país com o maior número de falantes da língua portuguesa no mundo. O português do Brasil tem grande número de palavras de herança africana. Neste artigo você vai aprender quinze palavras usadas pelos brasileiros que têm origens no continente africano. Leia o artigo aqui.

Variantes da língua: Portugal x Brasil

Artigo interessante sobre as variações linguísticas entre o português falado em Portugal e no Brasil:

Cognates: words that you already know

A cognate is a word that comes from the same origin as a word from another language. Cognates between languages usually have similarities in spelling, pronunciation, and/or meaning and are very helpful as we learn a foreign language because they may sound or look familiar to the student’s native language. Look athe following adjectives in Portuguese and see their cognates in English, and click below to hear their pronunciation.

*Note that some of the adjectives below have a masculine (ending with vowel o) and a feminine form (ending with vowel a). Example: Maria é corajosa, João é atlético.*

Portuguese cognatesagressivo/a  – agressive
ambicioso/a – ambitious
animado/a  – animated
atlético/a  – athletic
arrogante – arrogant
calmo/a – calm
corajoso/a – corageous
criativo/a – creative
competente – competent
conservador/a – conservative
dinâmico/a – dinamic
elegante – elegant
excelente – excellent
extrovertido/a – extrovert
eficiente – efficient
fascinante – fascinating
gigante – giant
generoso/a – generous
horrível – horrible
independente – independent
irresponsável – irresponsible
impulsivo/a – impulsive
introvertido/a – introvert
idealista – idealist
imparcial – impartial
importante – important
independente – independent
inteligente – intelligent
interessante – interesting
justo/a – just

It’s in the news!

One of the best ways to learn a language is by reading in it.  The following are great sources of news in Portuguese:















Dictionaries & flashcards for learning Portuguese

Dictionaries, glossaries, translation tools, pronunciation guides

World Reference Portuguese Online Dictionary

Dicionário Dicio

Pequeno dicionário de carioquês

Babylon – Portuguese

Glossário sobre frutas

Brazilian Portuguese Pronunciation

Dicionário de antônimos online

Portuguese verb conjugator

Conjuguemos – Verb conjugation, games, flashcards and a long vocabulary list

Pronunciation in Portuguese

Fonética – Português


Flashcards for vocabulary in Portuguese on assorted subjects

Assorted themes – Flashcards

(One of) The greatest Brazilian Portuguese Flashcards Library

Movies, documentaries and videos in Portuguese

For tips on how to take advantage of subtitles when watching movies and videos to learn a foreign language, check out this post.
  1. Tamanho da língua (The size of the tongue): An informative documentary about the Portuguese language and its cultures around the world. Worth every minute of it! In Portuguese.
  2. Sotaques: O paraíso são os outros – Based on the book by the Portuguese writer Valter Hugo Mãe, with captions.

    O paraíso são os outros
    O paraíso são os outros, de Valter Hugo Mãe
  3. Short movies and documentaries by Afrobrazilians: afroflix.com.br 
  4. Films about Angola: https://filmow.com/listas/filmes-angolanos-l151182/
  5. A great movie from Angola: “Nijinga, Rainha de Angola”
  6. Filmes de Moçambique 
    Moeda, memória e massacre
    O gotejar da luz
    O grande bazar
    Terra sonâmbula
    O último voo do flamingo
    Virgem margarida
    Os pestinhas e o ladrão de brinquedos
    Yvone kane
    Comboio sal e açúcar
    A guerra da água 
  7. Filmes de Cabo Verde . Tchindas is an excelent option.
  8. Café Brasil: http://www.portalcafebrasil.com.br 
  9. Porta Curtas: http://portacurtas.org.br
  10. A popular Brazilian series: 3% (available on Netflix, with captions)
  11. Filmes de Portugal:
  12. The following full-lenght Brazilian movies are well-know titles which may have won national and/or international awards — and may be available on Netflix, Amazon Video or Comcast, with or without captions:
    Orfeu Negro
    Cidade de Deus
    Cidade dos homens
    Democracia em vertigem
    O menino e o mundo
    Casa de Areia
    Tropa de Elite
    Central do Brasil
    Capitães de areia
    Capitães de abril
    Deus é brasileiro
    O que é isso, companheiro?
    Se eu fosse você
    Juventude em marcha
    Aquele querido mês de agosto
    O ano em que meus pais saíram de férias
    A casa de Alice
    O caminho das nuvens
    A esperança vem do lixo
    Lixo extraordinário
    Terra estrangeira

Luso what? Lusophones/Lusófonos: a brief explanation

If you are studying Portuguese, know that you are learning about the Lusophone world and its cultures as well.  The Lusophone world are countries that speak Portuguese as their official language and were colonized by the Portuguese. With 270 million speakers, Portuguese is the sixth most spoken language on the planet.

The Lusophone world is comprised of ten countries/regions:

Brazil Brazil

Angola Angola

Mozambique Mozambique

Portugal Portugal

Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau

East Timor East Timor

Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea

Macau Macau

Cape Verde Cape Verde

São Tomé and Príncipe São Tomé and Príncipe

(Portuguese: lusófonos) are people who speak the Portuguese language, either as native speakers or as learners. Similarly, the Lusosphere or Lusophony (Portuguese : Lusofonia) is a community of people who are culturally and linguistically linked to Portugal, either historically or by choice. The idea of a Lusosphere is free of ethnic connotations, in that a Lusophone may not have any Portuguese ancestry at all.

The Lusophone world is mainly a legacy of the Portuguese Empire, although Portuguese diaspora and Brazilian diaspora  communities have also played a role in spreading the Portuguese language. Even after the collapse of the empire, the corresponding countries continue to exhibit both cultural and political affinities, expressed in the existence of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP), created in 1996.

The term Lusophone is a combination of the form “Luso-” (from the Latin term for an area roughly corresponding to modern Portugal, called Lusitania). and the suffix “-phone” ( from the Ancient Greek  word φωνή (phōnē), meaning “voice”).

The use of the term Lusophone mirrors similar terms, such as Anglophone for English-speakers, Francophone for French-speakers, Hispanophone for Spanish-speakers, and Sinophone for Chinese-speakers. The term is sometimes used in reference to the Community of Portuguese Language Countries, similar to the Francophonie.

Map Portugal's colonies
“And if there is more world, we will get there”. Map – Portugal dos Pequenitos – Coimbra, Portugal – Photo by Daderot (licensed under CC0 1.0.)


Retrieved September 15, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lusophone

Lessons and podcasts in Portuguese

MyLanguageLab by Pearson (most of our homework)

Boost your Portuguese vocabulary in 3 steps

Língua da gente, lessons with podcasts

BrasilPod, lessons with videos

 Conversa Brasileira: lessons with videos 

Semântica Portuguese: blog with videos 

StreetSmartBrazil: blog with videos
