The Zief Law Library added new materials to its collection over the summer. Topics from August include: privacy; contracts; criminal law; evidence; wills and trusts; human rights; trial practice; tax law; corporations; legal research; vocational guides; and bar exam preparation. Click the titles below or explore our monthly New Materials at Zief Law Library webpage for the complete list of recent arrivals. To view other new materials that arrived over the summer, check out the ZiefBreif New Materials post for May, June, and July.
- Strategies & Tactics for the MBE: Multistate Bar Exam by Kimm Walton and Steve Emanuel.
- Explaining Variation in Juvenile Punishment: The Role of Communities and Systems by Steven N. Zane.
- Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and the Law in a Nutshell by Ruth Colker
- International Human Rights Law and Practice by Ilias Bantekas and Lutz Oette.
- Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age, 2023 by Peter S. Menell.
- Critical Reading for Success in Law School and Beyond by Jane Bloom Grisé.
- Data Protection and Privacy: Enforcing Rights In A Changing World by Dara Hallinan, Ronald Leenes, and Paul De Hert.
- The American Bar Association Guide to Wills & Estates: Everything You Need to Know About Wills, Estates, Trusts, and Taxes.