Professionalism and Career Resources

As you embark on your legal career journey, it may be helpful to familiarize yourself with any expectations that you, or potential employers, have about the legal profession. Many brilliant and thoughtful professionals came before you, and have meaningful advice to share through podcasts, blog posts, and professional development courses. This week, we introduce you to some resources on career advice, giving and receiving constructive feedback, and managing mental health in the legal profession, so that you can set yourself up for professional success!

Career Advice

  1. ABA Law Student Podcast delivers coverage on current court cases, how to use your degree, and interviews with working professionals on the realities of a career in law. Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play Music, and Stitcher.
  2. The XL Legal Podcast, accredited by the Law Society of Ontario for Professionalism Hours, offers professional development tips ranging from what to expect in your early years as an attorney to taking care of your mental health. Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play Music, and Stitcher.
  3. Before your first day at your summer internship or post-bar employment, read the ABA’s Top 10 Tips for Civility and Professionalism in New Lawyers to learn more about how to navigate your new work environment.
  4. Visit USF Law’s Office of Career Services for career counseling, connections to lawyers in your field of interest, and resources and tools to explore.

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Tech Tip: Digital Knowledge Management Tools to Organize Your Life, Studies, and Law Practice

Being exposed to so much information, in school, work, and life, can feel overwhelming and chaotic, so managing and organizing the information we gather is critical for our own sake; but, it will also be expected from clients and supervisors. Whether it’s collecting information on a favorite hobby in your free time, gathering sources for an upcoming seminar paper, or capturing your experience and documents after successfully representing a client, knowledge management (“KM”) systems, tools, and practices help us stay organized and produce great outcomes. Continue reading “Tech Tip: Digital Knowledge Management Tools to Organize Your Life, Studies, and Law Practice”