The Zief Law Library added new books to its collection in July 2024. Topics from July include: abortion laws; administrative laws; animal rights; anti-racism; antitrust; artificial intelligence; business and corporations law; civil procedure; constitutional law; courts and judiciary; criminal law; cultural heritage; data protection and privacy; education; election law; employment; energy law; evidence; family law; gender and sexuality law; human rights; intellectual property; internet law; immigration and emigration; law enforcement; legal ethics; legal history and philosophy; legal research and writing; property; sports law; tax law; torts; video game law; and women’s rights.
Click the titles below or explore our monthly New Books at Zief Law Library webpage for the complete list of recent arrivals. On this site, you will find new additions to the Zief Library print and digital collections. Navigate the site by using the tabs to the left. New books are organized by date of arrival.
- The Quantified Worker: Law and Technology In The Modern Workplace by Ifeoma Ajunwa.
- Cultural Objects and Reparative Justice: A Legal And Historical Analysis by Patty Gerstenblith.
- Animals and Capital by Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel.
- Behind Crimmigration: ICE, Law Enforcement, and Resistance In America by Felicia Arriaga.
- “Are You Calling Me A Racist?”: Why We Need To Stop Talking About Race and Start Making Real Antiracist Change by Sarita Srivastava.
- Regulating Abortion: The Politics of US Abortion Policy by Deborah R. Mcfarlane and Wendy L. Hansen.
- Yes Gawd!: How Faith Shapes LGBT Identity and Politics In The United States by Royal G. Cravens III.
- Free Speech: What Everyone Needs To Know by Nadine Strossen.
- Women, Power, and Politics: The Fight For Gender Equality In The United States by Lori Cox Han and Caroline Heldman.
- Breaking Away: How To Regain Control Over Our Data, Privacy, and Autonomy by Maurice E Stucke.