The Zief Law Library added new books to its collection in September 2024. Topics from September include arbitration; aquaculture law; banking law; business associations; career planning; comparative law; constitutional law; contracts; courts and judiciary; criminal law and justice; cultural heritage and art law; death penalty; domestic violence law; election law; energy law; entertainment law; environmental law; E.U. law evidence; immigration law; Indigenous law; intellectual property; international human rights law; international law; legal education; legal research and writing; maritime law; military law; national security; privacy and data protection; private law; property; psychology and the law; remedies; reproductive rights and health law; secured transaction; sexuality and the law; tax law; technology; transitional justice; and U.S. lawmaking.
Click the titles below or explore our monthly New Books at Zief Law Library webpage for the complete list of recent arrivals. On this site, you will find new additions to the Zief Library print and digital collections. Navigate the site by using the tabs to the left. New books are organized by date of arrival.
- Race after Technology by Ruha Benjamin.
- Dye, Erickson, Fiske, and Haas’s Navigating Your Legal Master’s Program: A Roadmap for Success by David Dye; Sandra Erickson; Jason Fiske; Beth Haas.
- A Critical Introduction to Intellectual Property Law by Patrick R. Goold
- Protect Your People by Raj Jayadev.
- Biodiversity and Climate: Tackling Global Footprints by edited by Édouard Civel, Christian de Perthuis, Janet E. Milne, Mikael Skou Andersen, and Hope Ashiabor.
- Queering Reproductive Justice by Candace Bond-Theriault.
- Why We Vote by Owen Fiss.
- Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy by Cathy O’Neil.
- AI: Its Nature and Future by Margaret A. Boden.
- Indigenous Dispossession, Anti-Immigration, and the Public Pedagogy of US Empire by Leah Perry.