The Zief Law Library added new books to its collection in November 2024. Topics from November include: animal law; appellate advocacy; business associations; civil rights and justice; constitutional law; courts and judiciary; criminal law; drug and alcohol laws; education law; election law; employment law; environmental law and climate change; health law; immigration law; Indigenous rights; international human rights law; international law; journalism and mass media; labor law; legal education; legal research and writing; mental health; military law; privacy and data protection; sexuality and the law; technology; U.S. politics and lawmaking; video game law; and women’s rights.
Click the titles below or explore our monthly New Books at Zief Law Library webpage for the complete list of recent arrivals. On this site, you will find new additions to the Zief Library print and digital collections. Navigate the site by using the tabs to the left. New books are organized by date of arrival.
- Frontera Madre(hood) by Cynthia Bejarano and Maria Cristina Morales (editors).
- We Have Never Been Woke: The Cultural Contradictions of A New Elite by Musa al-Gharbi.
- Trans Philosophy by Perry Zurn et al (editors).
- Rethinking Cyber Warfare: The International Relations of Digital Disruption by R. David Edelman.
- The Supreme Guide to Writing by Jill Barton.
- Flourishing in the Age of Climate Change by William M. Throop.
- Alaska Native Resilience by Holly Miowak Guise.
- Your Money or Your Life by Luke Messac.
- Techlash: Who Makes The Rules In The Digital Golden Age? by Tom Wheeler.
- Mastering the Law School Exam by Suzanne Darrow-Kleinhaus.