New Books At The Zief Law Library: January 2025

A collage of ten book covers from the list of new books at the Zief Law Library, added to the collection in January 2025.
A book cover collage of ten new titles added to the library’s collection in January 2025.

The Zief Law Library added over a hundred new books and ebooks to its collection in January 2025! Topics from January include: animal law; antitrust; art law; blockchain; business associations; career planning; civil rights; criminal law; constitutional law; contracts; courts and judiciary; economics; environmental law; family law; health law; human rights; immigration law; intellectual property; international law; labor law; legal education; legal research and writing; privacy and data protection; property; tax law; technology; and more!

Click the titles below or explore our monthly New Books at Zief Law Library webpage for the complete list of recent arrivals. On this site, you will find new additions to the Zief Library print and digital collections. Navigate the site by using the tabs to the left. New books are organized by date of arrival. 

New Books At The Zief Law Library: December 2024

A collage of ten book covers from the list of new books at the Zief Law Library, added to the collection in December 2024.
A book cover collage of ten new titles added to the library’s collection in December 2024.

The Zief Law Library added new books to its collection in December 2024. Topics from December include: appellate and trial advocacy; artificial intelligence; business associations; Cambodian law; civil procedure; civil rights and justice; constitutional law; courts and judiciary; economics; environmental law; evidence; family law; health law; immigration law; Indigenous rights; intellectual property; labor law; legal education; legal research and writing; privacy; reproductive rights; and more! 

Click the titles below or explore our monthly New Books at Zief Law Library webpage for the complete list of recent arrivals. On this site, you will find new additions to the Zief Library print and digital collections. Navigate the site by using the tabs to the left. New books are organized by date of arrival. 

New Books At The Zief Law Library: November 2024

A collage of ten book covers from the list of new books at the Zief Law Library, added to the collection in November 2024.
A book cover collage of ten new titles added to the library’s collection in November 2024.

The Zief Law Library added new books to its collection in November 2024. Topics from November include: animal law; appellate advocacy; business associations; civil rights and justice; constitutional law; courts and judiciary; criminal law; drug and alcohol laws; education law; election law; employment law; environmental law and climate change; health law; immigration law; Indigenous rights; international human rights law; international law; journalism and mass media; labor law; legal education; legal research and writing; mental health; military law; privacy and data protection; sexuality and the law; technology; U.S. politics and lawmaking; video game law; and women’s rights.

Click the titles below or explore our monthly New Books at Zief Law Library webpage for the complete list of recent arrivals. On this site, you will find new additions to the Zief Library print and digital collections. Navigate the site by using the tabs to the left. New books are organized by date of arrival. 

Law Library Hours: Winter Break 2024 – Happy Holidays!

Congratulations on all of your hard work and accomplishments this semester! The library staff wishes you a restful holiday season with friends and family. Though we’ll miss you, we know time away will restore your energy for the new semester. See you in January! 

Please note that the law library will have the following adjusted hours for the Holiday Break:

Saturday, Dec. 14th: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Sunday, Dec. 15th: CLOSED
Monday, Dec. 16th-Friday, Dec. 20th, 9:00 AM- 5:00 PM (no library services)
Saturday, Dec. 21st-Sunday, Dec. 22nd: CLOSED
Monday, Dec. 23rd: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM (no library services)
Tuesday, Dec. 24th-Wednesday, Jan. 1st- CLOSED
Thursday, Jan. 2nd-Friday, Jan 3rd: 8:00 AM-6:00 PM
Saturday, Jan. 4th- Sunday, Jan. 5th: 10:00 AM-6:00 PM

Normal library hours will resume on Monday, Jan. 6th, 2025: 

See you then!

Visit the Law Library Hours of Operations website for a full calendar view of our current and upcoming hours. 

Law Library Hours: Thanksgiving 2024

Hi, all!

Please note that the law library will have the following adjusted hours for Thanksgiving 2024:

Wednesday, Nov. 27th: 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM
Thursday, Nov. 28th: CLOSED
Friday, Nov. 29th: 10:00 AM- 6:00 PM
Saturday, Nov. 30th: 10:00 AM- 6:00 PM

Normal Hours Resume on Sunday, Dec. 1st: 10:00 AM- 11:00 PM 

For a full calendar view of our current and upcoming hours, visit our Law Library Hours of Operations website.  

New Books at The Zief Law Library: October 2024

A collage of ten book covers from the list of new books at the Zief Law Library, added to the collection in October 2024.
A book cover collage of ten new titles added to the library’s collection in October 2024.

The Zief Law Library added new books to its collection in October 2024. Topics from October include: abortion laws and reproductive rights; animal law; arbitration; art law and cultural heritage; artificial intelligence; blockchain; career planning; community property; constitutional law; courts and judiciary; the death penalty; energy law; environmental law; family law; finance; food law; immigration law; Indigenous rights; intellectual property; international human rights law; legal education; legal research and writing; mental health; military law; professional responsibility; sexuality and the law; technology; U.S. politics and history; video game law; water law; and more!

Click the titles below or explore our monthly New Books at Zief Law Library webpage for the complete list of recent arrivals. On this site, you will find new additions to the Zief Library print and digital collections. Navigate the site by using the tabs to the left. New books are organized by date of arrival. 

Zief Law Library Celebrates Indigenous Peoples’ Day: Legal History, Events, and Resources


In celebration of Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Zief Library Assistant Randall Seder takes a look at the social and legal history of the day, highlights Zief research resources, and presents some Bay Area events of interest.

Image of a Navajo woman wearing a shirt that says, "Natives Vote: Every Vote Counts." The image is from Patty Ferguson-Bohnee's 2020 article, "How the Native American Vote Continues to be Suppressed,” from the American Bar Association website.
“I will never forget the Navajo grandmother who spoke only Navajo and could not vote after Arizona passed its voter ID law in 2004…The system failed to consider her reality as a Navajo woman and failed to value her as a voter. Fortunately, she was persistent in exercising her right to vote, but not all voters are, nor should they have to be…” “How the Native American Vote Continues to be Suppressed,” Patty Ferguson-Bohnee, 2020, American Bar Association website.


Join the Zief Law Library in celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day on Monday, October 14th, 2024. Indigenous Peoples Day is an official city and state holiday in various jurisdictions within the United States. The holiday acknowledges Indigenous resilience, sovereignty, and diverse cultural heritage, as well as commemorates their immeasurable contributions to United States history, culture, and the law. Continue reading “Zief Law Library Celebrates Indigenous Peoples’ Day: Legal History, Events, and Resources”

New Books At The Zief Law Library: September 2024

A collage of ten book covers from the list of books added to the library's collection during September 2024.
Collage of book covers from the September 2024 “New Books” list at Zief Law Library.

The Zief Law Library added new books to its collection in September 2024. Topics from September include arbitration; aquaculture law; banking law; business associations; career planning; comparative law; constitutional law; contracts; courts and judiciary; criminal law and justice; cultural heritage and art law; death penalty; domestic violence law; election law; energy law; entertainment law; environmental law; E.U. law evidence; immigration law; Indigenous law; intellectual property; international human rights law; international law; legal education; legal research and writing; maritime law; military law; national security; privacy and data protection; private law; property; psychology and the law; remedies; reproductive rights and health law; secured transaction; sexuality and the law; tax law; technology; transitional justice; and U.S. lawmaking.

Click the titles below or explore our monthly New Books at Zief Law Library webpage for the complete list of recent arrivals. On this site, you will find new additions to the Zief Library print and digital collections. Navigate the site by using the tabs to the left. New books are organized by date of arrival. 

National Voter Registration Day: September 17th, 2024

In celebration of National Voter Registration Day, Zief Library Assistant Randall Seder shares the holiday’s history, current voter registration information, and legal research resources at Zief. 

Promotional materials from the ACLU North Carolina Voting Information Center, 2024.
Promotional materials from the ACLU North Carolina Voting Information Center, 2024.



Join the University of San Francisco Zief Law Library in celebrating National Voter Registration Day on September 17th, 2024. This nonpartisan civic holiday is celebrated each September to create awareness about voter registration opportunities and celebrate democracy. Continue reading “National Voter Registration Day: September 17th, 2024”

New Books At The Zief Law Library: August 2024

This image shows a collage of ten book covers from the list of new books at the Zief Law Library, added during August 2024.
Collage of book covers from the August 2024 New Books list at Zief Law Library.

The Zief Law Library added new books to its collection in August 2024. Topics from August include: antitrust; artificial intelligence; bankruptcy; business associations; career planning; civil procedure; constitutional law; contracts; courts and judiciary; criminal law; criminal procedure; drug laws and policy; education law; employment law; environmental law; E.U. law; evidence; family law; food law; health law; human rights; immigration and emigration law; Indigenous rights; intellectual property; international law; internet law; legal education; legal research and writing; negotiations; property; religion; reproductive rights; sales; tax law; technology and privacy; torts; and water & oil law. 

Click the titles below or explore our monthly New Books at Zief Law Library webpage for the complete list of recent arrivals. On this site, you will find new additions to the Zief Library print and digital collections. Navigate the site by using the tabs to the left. New books are organized by date of arrival. 

New Books At The Zief Law Library: July 2024

 A collage of ten book covers from the list of new books at the Zief Law Library added during July 2024.
A collage of book covers from the new books list at the Zief Law Library.

The Zief Law Library added new books to its collection in July 2024. Topics from July include: abortion laws; administrative laws; animal rights; anti-racism; antitrust; artificial intelligence; business and corporations law; civil procedure; constitutional law; courts and judiciary; criminal law; cultural heritage; data protection and privacy; education; election law; employment; energy law; evidence; family law; gender and sexuality law; human rights; intellectual property; internet law; immigration and emigration; law enforcement; legal ethics; legal history and philosophy; legal research and writing; property; sports law; tax law; torts; video game law; and women’s rights.

Click the titles below or explore our monthly New Books at Zief Law Library webpage for the complete list of recent arrivals. On this site, you will find new additions to the Zief Library print and digital collections. Navigate the site by using the tabs to the left. New books are organized by date of arrival. 

New Books At The Zief Law Library: June 2024

The image shows a collage of ten book covers from the June 2024 New Books list at Zief Law Library.
Collage of book covers from the June 2024 New Books list at Zief Law Library.

The Zief Law Library added new books to its collection in June 2024. Topics from June include business law; career planning; constitutional law; courts and judiciary; criminal law; cultural heritage; discrimination and exclusion; drug laws and policies; employment; family law; healthcare and abortion laws; housing; humanitarian law; indigenous rights; intellectual property and art; laws of war and the military; legal research; libraries and archives; maritime law; tax law; and technology.

Click the titles below or explore our monthly New Materials at Zief Law Library webpage for the complete list of recent arrivals. On this site, you will find new additions to the Zief Library print and digital collections. Navigate the site by using the tabs to the left. New books are organized by date of arrival.

New Books At The Zief Law Library: May 2024

The image shows a collage of eight book covers from the May 2024 New Materials list at Zief Law Library.
Collage of book covers from the May 2024 New Materials list at the Zief Law Library.

The Zief Law Library added over 200 new titles to its collection in May 2024! Topics from May include administrative law; alternative dispute resolution; animal law; antitrust law; art law; Asian law; bankruptcy; business law; charities and nonprofits; civil law; commercial law; comparative law; constitutional law; contracts; corporation law; counterterrorism; criminal law; cybersecurity law; emigration and immigration law; employment; environmental law; European law; family law; globalization; health law; human rights; insurance law; intellectual property; international law; internet law; laws of war and the military; legal education; legal ethics; legal philosophy; oil and gas law; political science; property; public law; real estate law; sexuality and the law; sports law; tax law; torts; trade law; and trial advocacy.

Click the titles below or explore our monthly New Books at The Zief Law Library webpage for the complete list of recent arrivals. On this site, you will find new additions to the Zief Library print and digital collections. Navigate the site by using the tabs to the left. New items are organized by date of arrival.

New Books At The Zief Law Library: April 2024

The image shows a collage of 10 book covers from the April 2024 New Materials list at the Zief Law Library. 
Collage of book covers from the April 2024 New Materials list at the Zief Law Library

The Zief Law Library added new materials to its collection in April 2024. Topics from April include: animal rights; artificial intelligence; aviation law; blockchain; civil law; civil procedure; constitutional law; corporations; criminal law; criminal procedure; disability law; emigration and immigration law; environmental law; finance and tax law; health law; human rights; insurance law; intellectual property; art law; cultural heritage; international law; legal education; legal ethics and professional responsibility; oil and gas law; real estate law; and technology.     

Click the titles below or explore our monthly New Materials at Zief Law Library webpage for the complete list of recent arrivals. On this site, you will find new additions to the Zief Library print and digital collections. Navigate the site by using the tabs to the left. Items are organized by date.

The Zief Law Library Celebrates Law Day: Legal History, Events, and Resources

Are there issues with this text? Email the author: Randall Seder,

The image depicts Lady Justice raising scales. The image is titled "Lady Justice background," and it is credited to the Tingey Injury Law Firm, West Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
Lady Justice background. Tingey Injury Law Firm, West Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV, USA.


The Zief Law Library joins the University of San Francisco School of Law community in celebrating “Law Day.” This national holiday recognizes the significant role that the law, legal processes, and legal education play in the United States. These topics contribute to the country’s ongoing efforts to provide justice and extend civil liberties to all Americans. Law Day is celebrated annually on May 1st, but many events and programs are held the week(s) before or after. Continue reading “The Zief Law Library Celebrates Law Day: Legal History, Events, and Resources”