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sept 30 in class activity

bryanna, emily, lillah

Discuss whether the following statements are examples of hard evidence or constructed arguments. Not all cases are clear-cut.

  1. Drunk drivers are involved in more than 50 percent of traffic deaths. hard evidence because a fact is presented 
  2. DNA tests of skin found under the victim’s fingernails suggest that the defendant was responsible for the assault. constructed arguments; there is no facts
  3. A psychologist testified that teenage violence could not be blamed on video games. CA; this is not a fact
  4. The crowds at President Trump’s inauguration were the largest on record. HE; this can be proven with facts
  5. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” CA; this can be disproved 
  6. Air bags ought to be removed from vehicles because they can kill young children and small-framed adults. CA; this is an opinion

(Based on the activities in Lunsford, p. 63)

Sept 30 Essay 2 free writing

I started my essay based off of plastic straws. I found an argumentative article from the University of Arizona. I decided to use this because I was given a paper straw when I went to the Mcdonald’s drive-through and I did not agree with it. I care about the environment as well though so I do not want to bring back plastic straws entirely like my argument wants to. I think I am going to agree with my argument that other forms of straws are not it, but I may suggest that we should find an alternative to plastic straws other than the ones we have now. I am nervous about completing my essay because I have a lot of assignments in my other classes. Although, I know that I will be able to get it done because I always do.

For my essay, I have already started the introduction. I am following the format of the rhetorical analysis in our class textbook, so I think that I will be able to complete my assignment efficiently.

essay 2 outline:

intro: I will begin by connecting my personal experience of Mcdonalds to the article that is in favor of plastic straws i can say how I like plastic straws and agree with the article

body paragraphs

  1. ethos
  2. pathos
  3. logos
  4. maybe choose the opposing side
  5. then explain why the opposing side is wrong
  6. conclusion

I think that this light format will be easy to follow I am just worried that I will not be able to make it long enough.

Sept 28 in class activity

Emily, Henry

Combine each sentence pair into a single sentence using either a coordinating conjunction or a conjunctive adverb. Then copy the combined sentence onto your own sheet of paper.

  1. Pets are not allowed in Mr. Taylor’s building, but he owns several cats and a parrot.
  2. New legislation prevents drivers from sending or reading text messages while driving, yet many people continue to use their phones illegally.
  3. The coroner concluded that the young man had taken a lethal concoction of drugs, so by the time his relatives found him, nothing could be done.
  4. Amphibians are vertebrates that live on land and in the water, while flatworms are invertebrates that live only in water.
  5. Ashley carefully fed and watered her tomato plants all summer, so the tomatoes grew juicy and ripe.
  6. When he lost his car key, Simon attempted to open the door with a wire hanger, a credit card, and a paper clip, then called the manufacturer for advice.

Combine each sentence pair into a single sentence using a subordinating conjunction and then copy the combined sentence onto your own sheet of paper.

  1. Jake is going to Mexico, since there are beautiful beaches in Mexico.
  2. A snowstorm disrupted traffic all over the east coast, now there will be long delivery delays this week.
  3. My neighbor had his television volume turned up too high, so I banged on his door and asked him to keep the noise down.
  4. Jessica prepared the potato salad and the sautéed vegetables, while Ashley marinated the chicken.
  5. Romeo poisons himself, so Juliet awakes to find Romeo dead and stabs herself with a dagger.

Sept 23 APA quote sandwhich

The roots of research in (pollitical persusassion): Ethos, Pathos, and Logos and the Yale studies of Persuasive communications.

The text, “The roots of research in (pollitical persusassion): Ethos, Pathos, and Logos and the Yale studies of Persuasive communications” is published by Uludağ Üniversitesi Yayınları, (2010). The main idea of the article is to give background on the topics of ethos, pathos, and logos primarily focusing on the topic of political persusassion. As the article states, “The major contribution of Hovland and his colleagues has been the specification of an initial set of characteristics to understand the principles and processes of persuasion” (Uludağ Üniversitesi Yayınları, 3). This has been studied by the yale research group. The reason why studying ethos, pathos, and logos is important, is because it helps in the field of persuasive communications. Although in this case, it is most helpful when dealing with political persuassion.

In class writing 9/21/20 Jamye, Lillah, Emily

The cartoon “The biggest crowds: Political Cartoons” published by The Editorial Board appeals to the audience in a very interesting way. Right off the bat, you see Donald Trump in front of a bunch of people. Trump is saying, “I get the biggest crowds! Believe me!” What is ironic about this statement is that the crowd is not there in support of him; they are bashing on him. When giving a rhetorical analysis of the image, it is easy to notice how Trump is standing away from the people instead of towards them. This is an indirect message to the audience that he is putting his own best interest before the voices of the people in the crowd. It is also an ironic take away how he is also pictured to be very orange, while the crowd is black and white. This could emphasize he is in his own world and the people are in another. Overall, the cartoon does a good job portraying what is occurring in society in the present.


In class activity 9/16/20 Emily and Katie

-Blog writing in groups: 

Please read the following passages carefully and correct sentence fragment and run-on sentence mistakes; also, notice if there are other spelling and word choice issues.

Passage 1:

A man from the city came to visit a small farm. He saw a farmer feeding pigs in a very strange way. The farmer would lift a pig up to a nearby apple tree, and the pig would eat the apples directly off the tree. The farmer would move the pig from one apple to another until the pig was full; then he would start again with another pig.

The man from the city was pretty puzzled, so he watched for quite a while. He finally said, “What a strange way to feed pigs! It’s a waste of time! You could save a whole lot of time if you just shook the apples off the tree and let the pigs eat them from the ground!” The farmer looked puzzled and replied, “What’s time to a pig?”

Passage 2:

A young man waiting in line at the bank developed a loud case of hiccups got worse and worse. By the time he got to the teller’s window, he couldn’t hardly talk, yet he handed the teller his check to cash.

The teller tapping numbers into the computer looked up frowning. She said, “I can’t cash your check.”

The man was shocked, so he asked, “Why not?”

“The computer indicates you do not have sufficient funds to cover this amount,” she said. “In fact, our records show that your account is overdrawn by more than $5000.00.”

“It can’t be!” cried the man. “You’ve got to be kidding!”

“Your right, I am.” She smiled and she started counting out his cash. “You’ll notice that your hiccups are gone, though!”

September 2: In-class writing

Classmate’s response I read: Ryan Duncan

  • Both include strong intro including what we are talking about
  • I feel like Ryan’s is a little more clear than mine
  • Both use examples from chapter 3
  • We both use ourselves as personal examples
  • Ryan includes an interesting perspective on how he might not be considered to be the most credible at age 18
  • I include my own personal example of how ethos is relative to me as a psych major



Aug 31 in class free writing

Some ideas I have regarding my audio essay include writing about my love of bath and body works candles, how it is important for me to have a rest day on Fridays, or why I go to the starbucks drive thru every single day before zoom university. I could also write about zoom university and how it is different from going to school how I would normally. I think I like this idea because I could tie this into how I can use candles at home since I am not in the dorms and how I don’t have to stand and wait in a line for starbucks at school. There have been many things that have made my life easier by having school online. I am sad that I can’t physically be at college but there are some benefits to this transition. Attending zoom university through USF has allowed me to focus more on school without the distractions a normal day in college might have. I think I am going to start my audio essay by talking about how I was really excited to go to college and really thought It might have a chance of opening given that it is not a big school like Arizona or Michigan. Then I could go into when I got the email that usf was going to be all online and how sad I was. Then I could talk about how I started school online and was able to create a good routine for myself. I was really tired every single day because I was busy doing a lot of work, but I was able to look at the positives. On campus, I could not light a new candle in each class or be lazy and sit in my car to get my starbucks drink. I wouldn’t even be able to bring my car up to sf. This also got me into thinking about how I was able to complete a lot more work because I did not have the distactions of trying to meet new people and trying to adjust to living in a new place. Then I could say how I am still sad that I can not go to college in real life but

pitch: how I was able to take advantage of a situation I never thought would happen

intro – I was really excited to go to school in sf. covid got really bad in California but I thought that school maybe still in person because it is not a big school like Arizona or Michigan

  • I got an email from usf (I was really disappointed)
  • For the next few days I was really sad that covid was changing my original plans

first – I came to accept that school would be online and decided that i was going to make the best of it

  • I realized that I could do a lot of things at home still that I maybe could not do up in sf for ex:

– I could light candles in my room (could not do that in the dorm)

— I could have time to go to starbucks every morning and not have to stand in line, I could wait in my car

— I had my car; I would not have brought it up to sf

— I was able to focus on school more rather than the distractions of living in a new environment and trying to find my group of people

  • I was still sad that I could not move up to sf for first semester of college but it did offer some benefits that I never thought of before.
  • I was always grateful to be able to go away for college but now I feel as if I will be more grateful to be there when I arrive
  • It taught me that sometimes things do not go as expected and you just have to go with it.

In class group writing activity:

Emily Schwab, Ryan Duncan, Jelo Blanco


Article: Against Headphones

The article, “Against Headphones” by Virginia Heffernan is a ceremonial argument. Heffernan is the main arguer and is making the claim of, “Maybe the danger of digital culture to young people is not that they have hummingbird attention spans but that they are going death” (Heffernan, 1). The purpose of this argument is to target the audience of teenagers and parents to explain the dangers of headphone usage. The author is persuading parents to limit their kids of headphone technology. Based on the author’s usage of Ethos, pathos, and logos, all three of us agree that the author’s purpose has been achieved. An example of logos used is, “The number of teenagers with hearing loss – from slight to severe – has jumped 33 percent since 1994” (Heffernan, 1). Although this article was written almost a decade ago, it still manages to be effective today because many students use headphones for their virtual learning purposes. This ties into the idea of kairos.

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