How to Create a USF Blog

Task: Create your own USF Blog

Effective communicators need to use a wide range of online tools to make an impact. For this reason, Speaking of Bicycles is managed through a WordPress site hosted by USF.

In order to turn in your work and interact online with other students and with community partners, you’ll need to create your own blog and link it to the course site.

Working with WordPress (the software behind the course site and millions of other sites around the world) will help you develop valuable communication skills and a better understanding of what’s “under the hood” of a lot of the internet.

WordPress also allows us to have an “open connected” course, where community partners and students can interact and share information and ideas.

The Center for Instructional Technology has prepared instructions for creating your own USF blog.

Download this PDF to learn about the basic features of WordPress and USFBlogs.