The Zief Law Library added new materials to its collection in October! This month’s new books list is small but mighty. Check out some of our new titles, with topics including: United States race relations, white supremacy, and multiracial democracy; trusts; consumer credit; intellectual property; immunization laws; and environmental law. Here is a list of some of our new items, but explore our monthly New Materials at Zief Law Library webpage for the full list of recent arrivals.
- How We Win The Civil War: Securing A Multiracial Democracy and Ending White Supremacy For Good by Steve Phillips.
- Understanding Trusts and Estates by Roger W. Andersen and Susan N. Gary.
- Fair Credit Reporting by Chi Chi Wu, Ariel Nelson, Elizabeth De Armond, Sarah Bolling Mancini, Andrew Pizor, et al.
- Patent, Copyright & Trademark: An Intellectual Property Desk Reference by Richard Stim.
- Vaccine, Vaccination, and Immunization Law by Brian Dean Abramson, Dorit Reiss, Peter O. Safir, and John R. Thomas.
- Understanding Environmental Law by Kevin Anthony Reilly and Philip Weinberg.