New Resource: Dual Monitor Workstations

The Zief Law Library Is Excited To Announce A New Resource: Dual Monitor Workstations

Dual monitors stock image

The Zief Law Library is happy to announce two new dual monitor workstations located in corrals on the first floor of Zief. Having two computer screens allows users to view multiple documents in full screen simultaneously instead of having a split screen on one monitor – perfect for reading eBooks while taking notes! Additional HDMI port adapters will soon be made available at the library Circulation Desk. Please feel free to visit the Zief Law Library Circulation Desk for more information. Happy Studying!

“Research Tips from an Old School Librarian” — the Restatements

Many law students think of the Restatements of the Law as nothing more than the brief excerpts included in their case books. This week, in his special column, “Research Tips from an Old School Librarian,” research librarian John Shafer will show you why you may want to dig deeper into the Restatements.

What are the Restatements?

The Restatements of Law, published by the American Law Institute (ALI), are a valuable resource for law students, legal professionals, and scholars alike. These authoritative and influential legal treatises aim to clarify, simplify, and modernize various areas of common law in the United States.

By distilling and restating the general principles and rules derived from case law, statutes, and legal scholarship, the Restatements provide a clear and comprehensive summary of the current state of the law. They serve as a reference for judges, lawyers, scholars, and legislators, guiding courts in areas where the law may be ambiguous or inconsistent. Although not legally binding, the Restatements often act as persuasive authority in judicial decision-making, shaping the development and evolution of the law.

The Restatements, along with their accompanying examples, illustrations, and annotations, are invaluable tools for law professors and students. Professors often draw from the examples and illustrations to create the hypotheticals they use in lectures and examinations, designing engaging and challenging problems that test students’ comprehension of legal concepts and principles. You, as a student, on the other hand, can employ these examples and illustrations to prepare for exams, enhance readiness for being called on in class, and deepen your understanding of the Restatements.

The annotations that accompany the Restatements are also helpful for locating case law that cites specific Restatement sections. By examining these annotations, you can identify relevant legal authority to support your arguments and enrich your research, as well as observe the practical impacts the Restatements have on the development and evolution of the law.

Accessing the Restatements:

In Print: The Zief Law Library has a fairly complete collection of the Restatements in print. They are located behind the Circulation and Reserve Desk and can be checked out for use in the library. The Ignacio library catalog shows a list of our current Restatement holdings:

Online: The full text of the Restatements is not freely available on the internet due to copyright restrictions. However, you can access the complete Restatements through legal research platforms, such as Westlaw, LexisNexis, HeinOnline, and Bloomberg Law (BL has a subset of all the Restatements available). Links to each of those services appear below — you will need to use your personal academic password or identify yourself as a USF Law student in order to use them:

In conclusion, the Restatements of Law are a valuable resource for law students seeking to strengthen their understanding of common law principles. By examining the Restatements and their accompanying examples, illustrations, and annotations, you can develop problem-solving skills, boost your confidence in class, excel in exams, and better prepare for your future legal career.

Professionalism and Career Resources

As you embark on your legal career journey, it may be helpful to familiarize yourself with any expectations that you, or potential employers, have about the legal profession. Many brilliant and thoughtful professionals came before you, and have meaningful advice to share through podcasts, blog posts, and professional development courses. This week, we introduce you to some resources on career advice, giving and receiving constructive feedback, and managing mental health in the legal profession, so that you can set yourself up for professional success!

Career Advice

  1. ABA Law Student Podcast delivers coverage on current court cases, how to use your degree, and interviews with working professionals on the realities of a career in law. Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play Music, and Stitcher.
  2. The XL Legal Podcast, accredited by the Law Society of Ontario for Professionalism Hours, offers professional development tips ranging from what to expect in your early years as an attorney to taking care of your mental health. Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play Music, and Stitcher.
  3. Before your first day at your summer internship or post-bar employment, read the ABA’s Top 10 Tips for Civility and Professionalism in New Lawyers to learn more about how to navigate your new work environment.
  4. Visit USF Law’s Office of Career Services for career counseling, connections to lawyers in your field of interest, and resources and tools to explore.

Continue reading “Professionalism and Career Resources”

UN World Day of Social Justice 2023

This week, ZiefBrief celebrates the UN World Day of Social Justice and reflects on our commitment to social development, well-being, equity, and equality. As part of the USF community, Zief Law Library shares in the university’s and law school’s Jesuit mission towards creating a more just world for everyone, which requires pursuing social justice from multiple angles and perspectives. Here, we take a look at how the law library contributes to social justice work, and invite you to consider how you might pursue social justice causes too.

What is the World Day of Social Justice?

In 2007, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted Resolution 62/10, declaring February 20th as the UN’s World Day of Social Justice, recognizing, among other things, that “social development and social justice are indispensable for the achievement and maintenance of peace and security within and among nations and that, in turn, social development and social justice cannot be attained in the absence of peace and security or in the absence of respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms.” Building on the 1995 World Summit for Social Development, which recognized social justice, equity, and equality as major development goals, this resolution ultimately invites the UN Member States to promote concrete national activities and greater international unity towards eradicating poverty, promoting work opportunities and gender equality, and increasing access to well-being and justice.

This year’s theme, “Overcoming Barriers and Unleashing Opportunities for Social Justice” aims at strengthening global solidarity and trust in government,  and initiating conversation on “actions needed to strengthen the social contract that has been fractured by rising inequalities, conflicts and weakened institutions that are meant to protect the rights of workers.” It hopes that this dialogue results in greater investment in decent labor opportunities for young people and in green, digital, and care economies.  It poses the following questions to consider:

  • What are the key bottlenecks and challenges to overcoming rising inequalities, decent work deficits, including lack of access to social protection, digital exclusion and disruption of trade?
  • What are the opportunities in the green and digital economy to reduce inequalities and promote social justice, in particular for youth?
  • What actions are needed by governments, the UN system, international financial institutions, employers’ and workers’ organizations, civil society and other stakeholders to increase investments for social justice?

Social Justice at USF, USF Law, and Zief Law Library

The USF Community, home to the Institute for Nonviolence and Social Justice and multiple public interest legal opportunities, is no stranger to social justice work. The law school’s clinics, for example, allow students to participate in social justice-related legal work across various practice areas, such as racial justice, immigration, and human rights. While Zief Law Library supports that work by maintaining research resources, the librarians – and indeed many other law librarians – incorporate social justice across many aspects of our work with students, faculty, and the public, whether it’s in the classroom, in the library, or even behind the scenes. Looking toward the year ahead, the Zief librarians and staff already have more exciting social justice-related ideas to put into action, but some highlights from this past year include:

  • creating a diversity, equity, and inclusion resource guide for law school faculty and staff;
  • incorporating more critical legal research-related discussions into our legal research instructional sessions, reflecting on power dynamics represented in legal systems and research tools and access to justice;
  • creating and revising instructional learning materials with accessibility at the forefront;
  • participating in creating a harmful language statement for USF Gleeson and Zief libraries to recognize potentially harmful materials and outdated descriptions;
  • maintaining knowledge about and promoting access to free and low-cost legal research resources;
  • expanding our collections of legal research materials, including social justice-related books, media, and databases; and
  • attending law librarian workshops, conferences, and panels where we share ideas and learn from other social justice-focused law librarians.

With all of the opportunities to further social justice through our work in the law library, it’s hard to imagine setting aside only one day for them all. So, while the UN’s World Day of Social Justice may only be just one day out of the year, Zief Law Library hopes you’ll join us in celebrating social justice every day.


New Books at The Zief Law Library: January 2023

Six book covers from the January new books list.

The Zief Law Library added new materials to its collection in January 2023! Check out some of our new titles, with topics including: contracts; copyright; administrative law; criminal law; and criminal procedure. Explore our monthly New Materials at Zief Law Library webpage for the full list of recent arrivals.

Blockchain Resources at Zief

You may have heard the good news that Professor Michele Neitz has joined the USF School of Law faculty and brought the Blockchain Law for Social Good Center and a seminar on Blockchain Technology and the Law with her. This week, we take a quick dive into what blockchain is and highlight some blockchain research resources available to you through Zief Law Library.

What is Blockchain Technology and Why Should Law Students Care About It?

In general, blockchain technology helps decentralize the movement and management of data and digital representations of assets or other value. It enables transaction authentication and settlement without centralized intermediaries or authorities. Importantly, there are many evolving applications for blockchain technology, including cryptocurrencies, online voting, medical records, insurance policies, property and real estate records, copyrights and licenses and supply chain tracking. In “smart contracts,” blockchain technology embeds payouts between the contracted parties and automatically executes when the parties meet their contractual conditions. Continue reading “Blockchain Resources at Zief”

Level Up Your Studies with Resources From CALI!

While Zief has many traditional study aid books and eBooks, like our Examples & Explanations or Glannon Guides, it also provides you with access to the CALI (the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction) website. Built by law professors and law librarians, it has 1,200 interactive lessons on law school topics, podcasts, outlines, and open-access casebooks. While your professors may assign material from CALI, you can also take full advantage of this resource on your own! This week, we’ll explore some of its resources, when you might need them, and how to access them.

CALI, who also sponsors the law school’s CALI Awards (awarded to the top earners in each law school course), is a non-profit consortium of most U.S. law schools and legal educators. For over 40 years, the organization has helped research and develop computer-mediated legal education and, today, it provides law students with a wealth of materials to help with law school success.

CALI’s most popular resource, CALI Lessons, bring you interactive lessons and quizzes on specific topics from your 1L and upper-division classes. In addition to helping you fortify your knowledge of the black-letter law, the CALI lessons also cover law school skills, with topics such as “Law School Success,” “Legal Research,” and “Bar Success and Planning.” For example, its newest lesson, “Cases & Outlining: The Basics,” offers 1Ls a step-by-step lesson in creating a course outline with content from case law. Not sure which lessons might be helpful? Check out their handy Lessons by Subject Outline to see which lessons correspond to your topics.

So, whether you’re a 1L or upper division law student, CALI’s lessons, podcasts, and open-access eBooks offer you a broad selection of resources to help you succeed in law school. While you can always check them out throughout the semester, now that we’re in a new semester, it may be most helpful to see which resources they have for your new course load. That way, you’ll be ready with access to the materials you need.

Interested in learning more? See the Zief staff to get your CALI access code, or chat with one of the research librarians for more tips on how to use CALI alongside your other favorite learning materials!

Law Library Hours: Spring Semester

Welcome back, everyone! The Zief Law Library team hopes you had a wonderful and restful winter break. The library resumes regular services on Monday, January 9th and will have the following hours:

Monday – Thursday: 8:00am – 11:00 pm;

Friday: 8:00am – 8:00pm;

Saturday: 9:00am – 8:00pm;

Sunday: 10:00am – 11:00pm.

Zief Research and Reference services:

Monday – Friday: 10:00am – 5:00pm

Have a great semester!

Law Library Hours: Thanksgiving

Hi all!

Please note that the law library will have the following adjusted hours for Thanksgiving 2022:

Wednesday, Nov. 23: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday / Friday, Nov. 24-25: CLOSED
Saturday / Sunday, Nov. 26-27: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

For a full calendar view of our current and upcoming hours, visit our Law Library Hours of Operations website. We hope you all have a safe and restful holiday!

See you then!

Brixton the Therapy Dog: Upcoming Visit – Updated Date!

Brixton The Therapy Dog. Photo Credit: Linda Gordon, brixtonatlarge on Instagram.

This post reflects a change from the original published event date of Wednesday, Oct. 12.

In celebration of Wellness Week at USF Law School, our pal Brixton is back! Stop by the Zief Law Library on Friday, October 14th from 1:00pm-2:00pm for some playful stress-relief and tail-waggin’ fun with one of our favorite golden retrievers!

Brixton is a golden retriever with several years of experience as an SPCA therapy-assistance volunteer. Brixton loves belly rubs, making new friends, dressing up in holiday-themed costumes, and smiling for the camera.

The SPCA is one of San Francisco’s leading animal welfare nonprofit organizations. The SPCA is dedicated to matching animals with loving homes, providing access to high-quality veterinary care, and promoting programs such as adoption, animal assisted therapy, and behavioral training. Explore the SPCA website for more information on upcoming events.

New Books at The Zief Law Library: Summer 2022

Covers of new books available through Zief Law Library

Over the summer months, the Zief Law Library added several new titles to its collection, including materials on: environmental policy; evidence; animal law; property; black liberation; law practice and mental health; transparency and accessibility in the law; and recent US legislation.

Forget your textbook off-campus? Not to worry – we’ve also got all of your casebooks available! Stop by the Zief Circulation Desk for more information!

Here’s a list of just some of our new items. But, for a full list of the new materials collected from May, June, July, and August, check out our New Materials at Zief Law Library page!

Continue reading “New Books at The Zief Law Library: Summer 2022”

Study Aids: What are they, how do you use them, and where do you find them?

Now that we’re a few weeks into the semester, you’ve likely accumulated a solid amount of information from your courses and, with midterm exams nearing, now may be a good time to look back and make sure you’re confident with that knowledge. Is there an area of Torts you need to review? Did a certain rule in Evidence not stick? Or, are you ready to test your issue-spotting skills in Constitutional Law? Fortunately, the Zief Law Library is stocked with a wide variety of study aids in book, eBook, and audio/video formats to meet your learning styles and help you review. Here, we’ll dive into what study aids are, how you can use them, and where you can find them.

Continue reading “Study Aids: What are they, how do you use them, and where do you find them?”