I had intended to write my first “Academic Trivia” post today, but I couldn’t let the holiday go by without addressing it. So indulge me for a moment (or three, as this post turned out longer than I planned). When I was in pre-school, my class did a project for Thanksgiving. We cut up strips of colored construction paper and on them we had to write what we were thankful for. We took some blank strips of paper home and had our family members write on them too. We then taped the strips of paper together in loops to form the “Thanksgiving Chain.” My mom liked the idea so much that we did it every year growing up. (Incidentally, Family Communication alums could tell you what type of family ritual this is… any takers?). Some years I would cut way too many pieces of paper so that by the end, everyone had to get really creative (like “I am thankful for French Fries” …wait, who I am kidding? French Fries are always near the top of my list). In any case, I share this story because I think all of us (students and professors alike) feel stressed at this time of the year. Because as all of you know, we have Thanksgiving and come back to deadlines for papers, presentations, and exams (I know this because I am responsible for imposing many of those deadlines!). In short, it can be a difficult time of the year. However, two things that always make my Thanksgiving Chain are my students and USF. There is really no other job I would rather have (except to maybe be one of those people who tests out the amenities at luxury hotels… how do you get that job?). And, I really think we are all quite lucky to be here. Spoiler Alert: At graduation, Fr. Privett will talk about how only 1% of the world’s population has a college education (I found another source today that said up to 6%, but I am going to defer to our University President on this one). My point is that although for us it is a busy, stressful time of the year, I think we should also acknowledge that we are in a pretty great situation. You, as students, are entering a very small group of people who have a college education, which I think is something to be very thankful for. That, and “Glee.” I admit it, on the top of my chain this year, after husband, family, home, students, and USF, would be “Glee.” (My husband asked me last night if I realize that I am not actually on the show). Now, I know most of you have probably reached your holiday destination, but if you are stuck in lines at the airport or in a car (as long as you’re not driving), comment back on something that you are thankful for. It can be an electronic Thanksgiving Chain. I hope you enjoy the holiday with your family and friends (or teammates… Go Dons!).