All of the faculty would like to welcome the new students who are joining us this semester as new Communication Studies majors. Welcome to USF and the Communication Studies Department! We are happy you are joining us here and hope that you find your time here to be enjoyable and enriching.
We have twelve new students joining us in the department this semester. We (the faculty) spent the afternoon meeting them at the Orientation to the Major session. Check out the picture below (doesn’t it bring back memories of elementary school picture day?):
Don’t our new students look smart?
Thanks to senior Lambda Pi Eta President Emma Gallagher and senior LPH member Marissa Swiech for joining us at the Orientation to the Major to talk about Lambda Pi Eta and other ways to get involved in our department. Also, a “Shout-Out” to alum Jamal Pinkney who is in the Arts and Sciences welcome video that is shown to all new students… Hi Jamal! (He reads the blog).
Please join us in welcoming our new students to the major (and check out the action shots of some of our profs below, courtesy of photographer Emma Gallagher). Any students who have been here for awhile (or alums) have advice for our new students? Comment back!
- Spring 2011 new Communication Studies majors
- Department Chair, Professor Jacquemet
- Professor DeLaure
- Professor Thorson