Call me psychic, but I know some of you have been wishing for a new “Internship Ideas” post. Today, your wish is granted! Senior Communication Studies major Natalie Borges completed an internship at KGO-ABC 7 where she worked on the afternoon television show The View from the Bay. I asked Natalie to fill us in on her experience. Here we go…
Q: How did you find your internship?
Natalie: “I found my internship walking through the café one day. I was going to lunch and KGO had a table set up with internship flyers. I talked to Alexandra Lesley who is head of Human Resources and she talked to me a little about what it was like interning at KGO-ABC 7. I took her card and a couple weeks later I sent in my resume, had an interview, and landed an internship with The View from the Bay television show.”
Q: Why did you choose to intern at KGO-ABC 7?
Natalie: “I chose to intern at KGO because one, I needed an internship and it was the first place that really caught my interest. Two, I also had a genuine interest in television and the entertainment industry. I want to work in Entertainment PR and working behind the scenes on a television show I figured would give me some insight on what it’s like to work on the client’s side. I also knew that it would be a great learning experience and when I went for my interview I just had a good feeling when I walked into the building. I think you have to feel comfortable where you plan on interning at, that is one important thing to consider when you go for an interview. If you feel comfortable during the interview it’s always a good sign.”
Q: What did you do on a regular basis at your internship?
Natalie: “I did many different tasks at KGO. Once a week I worked with the audience coordinator and I helped her find audience members for the upcoming shows and I helped her seat the audience that day. Other day’s I worked as a production assistant which meant I did many different things. Some days I worked in the green room where I worked with the show’s guests and made sure they were okay. Other day’s I helped set up props, made cards for the shows hosts, ran to Safeway to get goodies for the staff, dubbed tapes, did mailings, etc. I basically did a bit little of everything you would expect to do on a television show. The staff expects you to be willing and ready when they call upon you, so if you are comfortable doing last minute running around working in television may be a good fit for you.”
Q: What did you learn from your internship?
Natalie: “Besides learning different television production aspects at KGO I also improved my public speaking skills and how important it is to network. Networking was probably the most valuable trait I learned at KGO because my next internship was with a company that I had networked with while they were guests on the show. Networking I believe is valuable in any career because it is crazy how everybody knows everybody within the industry.”
Q: What advice do you have for other students looking for an internship?
Natalie: “If you’re currently looking for an internship I would recommend using the career center they always have postings of internships. Craigslist is also a good source because many different companies post on craigslist for available internships. Also network with people in your classes. Fellow students I think are your best bet because they can recommend you at their internships and they may know of other opportunities as well. People in your classes are always good to talk to about possible internships and don’t forget your professors they too are very valuable resources. Don’t be shy just go out there and start talking to people because you would be surprised how many people are willing to help you out.”
Natalie was also nice enough to pass on the link to information about internship positions at KGO-ABC 7. You can check it out here:
Thanks, Natalie! Do you have an internship that you enjoy? Contact me at to be featured in an upcoming edition of Internship Ideas.