This past weekend, three of your Communication Studies professors attended the Western States Communication Association (WSCA) annual conference. This year’s conference was held just down the coast in beautiful Monterey, CA. The Western States Communication Association is one of four regional professional organizations made up of communication scholars. Professors use academic conferences to present research papers and to share ideas with other scholars who share their interest in communication. Professor DeLaure, Professor Ho, and yours truly (me) were involved in sessions at this year’s conference. Here’s a run-down of what happened at WSCA:
Professor Ho was on a panel entitled “Teaching Language and Social Interaction in Communication Courses.” She was joined on the panel by professors from several other universities, including UCLA and CSU San Bernardino. Language and Social Interaction (LSI) is one of Professor Ho’s research and teaching specialties.
Professor Doohan (yes, I am talking about myself in the third person) was recognized as one of two “Master Teachers” by the Communication and Instruction Interest Group. What was really special for me (back to first person) was that my undergraduate professor and advisor, Dr. John Caputo, presented the award to me at the panel.

Professor Caputo (left), me (right), and the other Master Teacher award recipient, Professor Deetz from UC Boulder
Professor DeLaure also attended WSCA and was involved in a panel entitled “Digital Fusion: Classroom Instruction = Community Engagement” based on work from her Rhetoric of Social Movements service learning course. What is especially impressive is that Professor DeLaure brought two Communication Studies majors with her to present a paper they worked on for her course this past fall! Who are they and what was their paper about? You have to wait until tomorrow’s blog post to find out! (Don’t you love cliffhangers?).
Isn’t Professor Doohan so modest about her award? When you see her be sure to give here a loud CONGRATULATIONS for being such a master at teaching… And blogging of course…
Congratulations Prof. Doohan! Major celebrity status!!!
Congratulations, Eve-Anne, on the “Master Teacher” award! Very cool, and very well-deserved!