Time to check in with another one of our Communication Studies Internship students. Who’s sharing internship wisdom today? Nickole Mariona! Here she is…
Q: Where did you intern and what do they do?
Nickole: “I work at About-Face which is a nonprofit organization dedicated to help women and girls resist the harmful messages from the media that affect their self esteem and body image.”
Q: How did you find this internship?
Nickole: “I found this internship through Professor Doohan at the beginning of the semester and decided to intern there in September.”
Q: Why did you decide to intern there?
Nickole: “The main reason why I decided to intern at About-Face is because a student in my Rhetoric and Social Movement class last year used to intern there and her experience sounded amazing so I wanted to see and try it for myself.”
Q: What did you do on a regular basis at your internship?
Nickole: “As an intern I do some general office tasks but I mostly handle their social media networks. My duties include updating their Tumblr, posting things on Facebook, and tweeting anything that pertains to women empowerment or sometimes calling out the media for sexualizing women. A fun thing that interns get to do is look through magazines and cut out ads and articles that are offensive to women and girls as well as ones that empower and celebrate women and girls. These ads are then put on About-Face’s gallery of winners and gallery of offenders.”
Q: What have you learned from this internship?
Nickole: “Working for a nonprofit is really exciting and different and there are many opportunities to learn new things. Before this internship I did not have a clue of how to use photo shop or edit and launch a website and doing this was crucial to my internship since About-Face was working on launching their new website. My supervisor was very helpful throughout my internship and gave great criticism to help me improve my skills.”
Q: What advice do you have for other students looking for an internship?
Nickole: “My advice for anyone looking for an internship is to be open to any and all internship positions. Even if a nonprofit org was not your first or ideal choice for an internship, you should definitely try it because you never know what you might learn and that knowledge may be able to help you in the future.”
Q: What other advice can you offer based on the internship class, your assignments with the Career Services Center, or your internship supervisor?
Nickole: “One last piece of advice that I got throughout this whole internship process is to find something that you are passionate about. If you get and internship and you are not passionate about it, you will not be happy at your job and will definitely regret it. Being passionate will help you grow not only in your career but also as a person.”
Thanks Nickole! As Nickole mentioned, we have a few Communication Studies majors intern at About-Face. And, they are looking for spring interns! Check out the Internship Binder in KA 313. You can find out more information about About-Face here: http://www.about-face.org/