Please don’t misinterpret my lack of blog postings as indicating a lack of activities and achievements in our department! It could not be farther from the truth! The truth is, our Communication Studies students, faculty, and alums have been accomplishing more than ever, but my blogging has been taking a backseat. As I like to say, the blog used to be my “baby” but now I have an actual baby, so, you know, priorities…
In any case, I am super excited to be back today with a student shout-out to three of our Communication Studies majors who presented papers at the Western States Communication Association Undergraduate Scholars Research Conference. The conference took place in Reno, Nevada February 15-19th. The Western States Communication Association (WSCA) is our regional communication association and they host an undergraduate research conference each year that takes place just before the WSCA conference. The papers for the undergraduate conference are competitively reviewed and it is an honor that our department had three students present papers! Oh yes, #commstudiesrocks.
Here are the details…
Junior Sarah Mangano presented her paper entitled “Understanding Addiction Through the Other Side of the Spectrum.”
Senior Elise Vue presented her paper entitled “Roommate Communication During Conflict.”
Senior Steven Slasten presented his paper “A Look at the Cycle of Redemption in the Rhetoric Surrounding the Suicide of Tyler Clementi.”
Sarah and Elise wrote their papers while students in Professor Lawless’s COMS 254: Qualitative Methods course. Steven wrote his paper while a student in Professor DeLaure’s COMS 252: Rhetorical and Critical Methods course.
Our professors Lawless, Sery, Ho, and DeLaure pulled themselves away from Reno’s slot machines long enough to take this picture with our student presenters (and Professor Ho’s Research Assistant):

Professor Lawless, Steven Slasten, Professor Sery, Professor Ho, Professor DeLaure, Elise Vue, Chelsea Lalancette, and Sarah Mangano
A big congratulations to Sarah, Elise, and Steven on their scholarly work and for representing our department so well at WSCA!