Dons’ Doings: Graduate School Information Session 3/31

This Thursday during deadhour we are having our 11th Annual Graduate School Information Session. I had to double check… 11th annual? Yes! 11th annual!

Years ago (I guess 11 years ago!), our own Professor Jacquemet observed that our students at the time did not know a lot about options for graduate school in Communication Studies or what graduate school was like. So after sharing his observation with Professor Ho and myself, our annual Graduate School Information Session was born!

Please join a panel of faculty members (this year’s round up is Professors Doohan, Ho, Kienzle, and Thorson) who will discuss the ins and outs of graduate school (what it entails, how to apply, what type of funding you can expect to receive, where to go, etc.).

Also joining on our panelĀ is COMS alum Serena Sanchez-Wilson, who graduated from our department in 2007. Serena graduated with her MA from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 2010 and is currently a pre-med student.

You can find us in Kalmanovitz Hall 363, this Thursday March 31st, 11:45-12:45. You can bring your lunch, arrive late and/or leave early as your schedule allows. But if you are thinking about graduate school (even as a far off potential possibility),


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