We are back today with what has historically been the most popular post on our COMS Department Blog! Today we are answering the burning question for all of you soon-to-be-graduates out there: How do I correctly wear my graduation regalia? Or, as I like to think of it: Fashion Police: Graduation Edition!
A bit of information before we get started:
There are three main pieces to your graduation regalia, all of which are sometimes worn incorrectly (by both students and professors!):
- The robe itself. Yes, it should ideally be wrinkle-free. Bonus trivia: Did you know your robe signifies the degree you are earning? The size and shape of the sleeves and whether there is any velvet trim indicate whether you are receiving a BA, MA, or PhD. As well, the color of the robe can indicate the academic institution granting the degree (but not always).
- The hood. It can’t actually be worn as a hood, but it is called a hood nonetheless. The hood signifies many important things: your degree, area of study, and academic institution (more on this later).
- The mortar board (that’s the fancy name for your graduation cap). These can also be different based on the degree being awarded.
Graduating COMS majors Laura Moy and Kim Louie answered my call and kindly agreed to model our DOs and DON’Ts!
Here we go, with the DON’Ts first…
DON’T #1: Don’t wear your hood upside down!
DON’T #2: Don’t wear your hood like a sash!
DON’T #3: Don’t let your hood choke you!
Let’s take a look at both Kim and Laura again…
No, this look is all wrong! We want to make your family proud on graduation day! Not covering their eyes because of all of your graduation regalia mistakes! Which brings us to another DON’T:
DON’T #4: Don’t hide the white velvet!
DON’T #5: Don’t let your mortar board/cap defy gravity!
Now on to our DOs!!
DO #1: Do show your pride in your area of study and USF by appropriately wearing your hood!
The white velvet signifies that your degree is in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. The velvet should be flat and high against your shoulders. At the point where the braided yarn and buttons connect the two sides, you should start showing your USF pride by flaring out the chevron of gold and Kelly green on your hood! The colors on the inside of your hood signify the university granting the degree (green and gold for USF, of course!).
DO #2: The front of your hood matters too! The front should show all white velvet (or whatever color your velvet is for you non-COMS grads). And don’t let your hood choke you… fasten the braided thread loop to a button (easier for guys to do) or safety pin it to the inside of your robe. It will prevent your hood from getting too tight around your neck.

Notice how you see the white velvet on Laura and Kim’s hoods in the front? That’s a grad fashion DO.
DO #3: Do wear your cap flat on the top of your head. And, do I even need to say this? The elastic should go in the back, not the front. Your cap should be flat enough on top that you could balance a drink on it (or a book of course, if you are still studying!).
DO #4: If you have any graduation accoutrements, such as honor cords or stoles, do place them under your hood. Check out Laura below, rocking her honors stole and Lambda Pi Eta honor cords.
DO #5: Do wear your tassel on the right. You will be instructed to move your tassel to the left after your degree has been conferred. No skipping!
Congratulations and thank you to Laura and Kim, and congratulations to all of our students who will be graduating this week! We are so proud of you!
Now pass on this knowledge and fix the regalia of your friends at graduation! (Or strangers, like I do… is that weird?).
Go forth and graduate in style!