The guest blogs are rolling in! Today we are featuring Communication Studies major Ishtar Schneider. Ishtar is a senior who is majoring in Communication Studies, minoring in Public Relations, and is part of the Honor’s Program and the St. Ignatius Institute. She has a passion for fashion and is also a University Ambassador and University Scholar. In short, she is busy! But, she is taking time to guest blog for us for the summer!
“June is proving to be a very interesting month so far. I left SF at the end of May and flew cross-country to Rockville, MD (about 30 min outside of DC), which is where my mom now lives. I stayed there for a week and a half (not the most exciting place in the world let me tell you) and now currently reside in the Georgetown University apartments, which I moved into on the 5th.
I’m enrolled in the TFAS Georgetown IPJ summer program, which stands for The Fund For American Studies, Institute of Political Journalism (but writing TFAS and IPJ is just way easier)!
Basically I take 2 classes, the first one, ethics in media, runs for the first 4 weeks and the second, microeconomics, is the last 4. I also intern with a digital communications firm here in downtown DC called Talbot Digital. I am the ‘digital media intern’ and work directly under the founder Chris Talbot who used to work for Google. So far I have put together some info sheets on 2 different candidates, one running for Attorney General in PA and the other for Senate in WI. I’ve also worked on some social media plans for their newest client, the Treasury Dept. and one of their biggest accounts, the Carton Council.
But its not all class and work, I also get to sightsee and check out the nightlife (and yes, I did make a trip to DC Cupcakes!).
On Monday I got to be in the audience for a taping of a Town Hall: Republican View for CBS News’ The Early Show, which aired Tuesday morning. You can watch it here
It was such a fun experience! I also got to visit the White House this past weekend and although I didn’t run into the Obamas it was just cool getting to walk through. I feel like the transition for SF people to the DC lifestyle is actually rather easy since we already take public transportation everywhere. Some of my classmates who come from rural places seem to be struggling a little bit. The weather however is a TOTALLY different story. I have never in my life experienced 100-degree weather with 90% humidity. Blehh. Not my favorite part for sure, especially since business casual (if not business professional) attire is pretty much standard here.
All in all it’s a great start to my summer and I hope to have more exciting things to update you on as it progresses.
What an exciting summer! Congratulations on the internship! One thing I’m jealous of: DC Cupcakes. One thing I’m not jealous of: 100 degree weather. Thanks Ishtar!
Ishtar! Sounds like fun! Go to the Tombs while you’re in Georgetown – one of my favorite places I found while visiting there.