Dons' Doings: Activism Then and Now

One of our very own Communication Studies majors, Victor Valle, has organized an event coming up this Thursday! Here are all of the details…

Activism: Then and Now

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 @ 6PM on UC 4th Floor
With the rise of new technologies and our heightened ability to communicate, how has Activism changed over the past several decades?  Join us for a panel discussion with 3 leading change-makers, from Civil Rights veterans to Hip Hop educators.  We’ll be discussing the history of activism, the work each individual does, the lessons we can take from social movements and activists in the past, and what the state of activism is today. Light snacks will be served!
Featured speakers:

PHIL HUTCHINGS was active in the Freedom movements in the 1960’s. He was a field secretary for the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in Newark, NJ and then took over from H. Rap Brown as national chairman of SNCC between 1968-69. Since that period he has been a community organizer and educator.

JAVIER REYES is a Black Puerto Rican actor, writer, activist, and entrepreneur from San Francisco. Cofounder and artistic director of Colored Ink, he is also the project coordinator of Two Generations, One Heartbeat.

SHANELL WILLIAMS is a receiver of the “Local Hero” award from the San Francisco Bay Guardian as well as a Student Trustee at the City College of San Francisco, the Norther Region Chair of the Black Caucus for the Student Senate for California Community Colleges, and many other positions relating to education and social justice.

Sponsored by the Intercultural Center, the Gender and Sexuality Center, the Department of Sociology, the Department of
Communication Studies, and the San Francisco Freedom School.



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