A Day in the Life: Senior Teresa Garcia

I asked senior Communication Studies major Teresa Garcia to let us follow her around for the first day of school, and she was nice enough to agree (I’m 3 for 3 on requests for these posts, whoo whoo!).  So, here it is, A Day in the Life of Teresa: January 24, 2011. 

Senior Communication Studies major Teresa Garcia

8:20     Turn the alarm off and get out of bed

8:30     Brush my teeth and get in the shower

8:55     Finally decide on wardrobe and I get dressed

9:15     Finish blow drying my hair (key morning prep step I share with Teresa, missing from Ian and Rashad’s posts… lucky guys!)

9:20     Turn on laptop to answer emails and check Facebook

9:55     Head down to the caf to pick up a bagel and croissant for work….  Long line for the first day of school.

10:15   Hop on the 43 to the Marina

10:35   Waiting for my next bus

11:05   The Golden Gate Transit finally arrives.  Get on.

11:35   Arrive at my stop in Sausalito.  Walk to the office.

11:45   Arrive at my internship as an editorial intern for a magazine.  On Mondays, I intern in Sausalito for Smart Meetings magazine, a print and online trade publication for meeting planners.  We do a lot of travel/destination pieces as well as informational articles for meeting professionals.  I’m their editorial intern.  My basic duties include fact-checking, helping out with their social media (blog, Facebook, Twitter), corresponding with freelancers and writing short pieces for the magazine.  I’ve been with them since August.

11:50   Settling in: answering emails, meeting newly hired editors.

12:05   Interview a UK-based food architect for a piece I’m writing.  It was hard scheduling an interview with an 8-hour time difference!

12:35   Finish interview and start writing my article.

2:00     450 words later, done!

2:10     Quick snack break.

2:35     Email art editor regarding requested images for article.

2:40     Hand write a few thank-you cards to a few guys I interviewed for this month’s issue.

3:00     Start on a folder of fact-checking for the March issue.

3:30     Editorial board meeting.  I have two pieces in the March issue!  (Wow!  Congrats, Teresa!)

4:00     Out the door to catch my bus.

4:15     Board the bus back to school.

4:50     Back on campus

5:00     Gourmet dinner at the caf consisting of chicken, rice, and broccoli.

6:00     Just finished coordinating a Skype date with a friend from Chicago.

6:15     Off to my first class of the semester, “Sexuality and Catholic Tradition.”

8:00     Getting some post-class tea and a sandwich from the caf.

9:00     Unwinding with a bit of TV surfing.

And that’s only Teresa’s Monday!  On Wednesdays and Fridays, she interns at HarperOne publishers, an imprint of HarperCollins.  “We publish religious, spiritual, and self-help books (everything from Thomas Merton and C.S. Lewis to Deepak Chopra and the Dalai Lama).  I’m their editorial intern as well.  I help draft memos, write rejection letters, return manuscripts, research permissions, etc.  I’ve just started this month.” 

Thanks, Teresa, for participating!  Sounds like you have a busy semester ahead!  Teresa is also an RA and a fellow blogger!  Aren’t these posts fun?  Seriously, if you are enjoying them half as much as I am, it means that you LOVE them!  Interested in participating (you know you want to) contact me at edoohan@usfca.edu.



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