Faculty Feats: Professor Allison Thorson

Our second “Faculty Feats” focuses on Professor Allison Thorson and her work with Kids Turn, a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to helping families dealing with separation or divorce.  Professor Thorson is currently serving on their Board of Directors and is leading a support group for parents going through divorce.   

Professor Allison Thorson

I asked Professor Thorson how she became involved with Kids Turn:

“I first learned about Kids’ Turn (www.kidsturn.org) at a USF mentoring event.  I was at the event to meet with students and connect them with members of the San Francisco community.  Little did I know that I would be the person making connections that evening.  It was at this function where I met Gerard Corbett, Founder and CEO of Redphlag LLC, who is also a member of the Kids’ Turn Board of Directors.  As Gerry and I made small talk, I happened to share that my research generally focuses on family communication surrounding hurtful and or unexpected events.  Before I knew it we were exchanging business cards and making plans to connect again.  After learning more about Kids’ Turn, their programs, their mission, and meeting individuals associated with the organization in the weeks following my initial encounter with Gerry – I just knew I had to be involved.  I had never met a group of individuals this passionate about helping children and families in times of transition.”

You can read more about Professor Thorson’s research in an article for USF News here: http://www.usfca.edu/newsroom/Research/After_Infidelity__Trouble_for_Parent-Child_Relationship/

Congratulations to Professor Thorson for her service to this important organization.  It is great to have our faculty involved in the local community in this way!


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