Special thanks to Sara Solloway from the Arts and Sciences Dean’s office who agreed to be the first USF employee to participate in the “A Day in the Life” posts! As I mentioned in a previous post, I thought it would be fun to have USF employees that our students work with or hear about participate in our “A Day in the Life” posts, so that we can all learn a bit more about what they do in their positions here at USF. Many of you students and alums will recognize Sara from orientation, academic success programs, and trips to the Dean’s office. I asked Sara to share a bit about her position and educational background.
Sara is the Director of Student Retention and Success Programs for the College of Arts and Sciences. She has worked at USF for 5 1/2 years, and get this: she was a Communication Studies major at Ball State University! She then went on to get her Master’s of Science in College Student Personnel/Counseling at Indiana State University. In short, you are in good hands when you go to visit Sara! Here is A Day in the Life of Sara Solloway: January 31, 2011:
6:30am Walk dog
7:15am Check personal email
7:35am Clean house/eat breakfast
8:00am Get ready for work
9:00am Preparation for meetings of the day/responding to emails (I typically have 6 meetings per day)
9:30am Meeting with a student on academic probation
10:00am Proctor a make up final exam to a student – I don’t normally do this often, but a student had an incomplete grade last semester due to extreme sickness, so I helped proctor the final.
10:00am Meeting with student about study strategies (*responding to emails)
11:00am Meeting with student who wanted to change their major (*responding to emails)

Sara Solloway meeting with a student. Go see her for academic counseling! She is a smiling face and excellent at what she does.
11:30am Made outreach calls to students who were struggling last semester to see how they were doing
- Talked on the phone to a parent of a student who is concerned because their child is on academic probation.
- Professor contacted called me regarding a student who is taking a leave of absence for spring semester and she wanted me to reach out to make sure everything was ok with the student.
- Talked with a student who turned in a drop form last semester to One Stop and the withdrawal was not posted to their student account.
- Contacted professor to be presenter for Academic Success Workshop Series. If you want to attend any of our free workshops, with free food, go to our website at: http://www.usfca.edu/studentacademicservices/
1:00pm Summer Reading program committee meeting, selection of new book for next summer for new student orientation
2:00pm Reviewed statistics about how many students were removed from academic probation last semester and created report.
4:00pm Emailed professors about a student who is in the hospital and won’t be able to attend classes this week.
4:00-6:00 Respond to emails
We interrupt this “A Day in the Life” post to bring you a public service announcement from Sara: If you would like any free one on one academic coaching, please contact 415-422-6113 to schedule an appointment. If you would like to learn more about what services the Dean’s Office provides, please go to our website at: http://www.usfca.edu/studentacademicservices/
6:00pm Walk home
6:15pm Make dinner & eat dinner
7:00pm Clean house for house guests coming to visit
8:30pm Catch up on TV shows I like on Hulu.com (House, Glee, etc.)
10pm Go to bed
Wow! What a day! Thanks, Sara, for participating! We learned several important things:
- Communication Studies majors can be found all over campus, not just in our department!
- Sara does a lot of different things in her position in the Dean’s office.
- Any student in need of academic coaching can go and see Sara and the Dean’s office staff. If you don’t need one-on-one help, you can attend an Academic Success Workshop, which address topics ranging from test preparation and note taking to battling the blues to graduation requirements.
- Sara has good taste in TV (yay Glee!).
Yay Sara!! Great blog post!
This comment comes from Dr. Laleh Shahideh, Associate Dean of Student Academic Services:
“Sara, you are amazing. Our students are very lucky to have you at USF. This schedule does not do justice to the intensity of your job and the amount of stress you take on your shoulders (so gracefully). But at least it shows that you don’t even take time off for lunch!
Very exciting and interesting project and great blog.”
Thanks, Dean Shahideh, for your comment!
Sara’s the best! Thanks for all the help and support you give to our students and to the professors! I definitely recommend her to students needing assistance!!!
Sara…..I knew when you were three years old and holding an audience in awe at your dancing/entertaining abilities that you were destined for great things. I was so right. You are an amazing person. And you are good to your mother which is a sign of a great person. Your dad has the biggest smile on his face because of your achievements. This I know for sure.