Today’s “A Day in the Life” post comes from Communication Studies 2007 graduate Mariella Brodersen. Mariella is an Account Executive at Nice Advertising, an independent full service advertising agency in San Francisco. With just 12 employees, they manage the marketing and advertising efforts for clients such as Sunsweet, Jelly Belly, and Crystal Geyser, to name a few. Mariella works specifically on Sunsweet, Sunsweet Naturals (subbrand), and Jelly Belly. Hmmm… I wonder if Mariella’s work involves sampling a lot of Jelly Bellys? I’d consider that to be a job perk! Right now my job is “requiring” me to finish eating the leftover vanilla cupcakes from our event the other day… Done! Okay, back to Mariella. This is A Day in the Life of Mariella, February 9, 2011:
7:15am Alarm goes off, I toss and turn and think about the day ahead
7:30 Step into the shower and get ready for the day
8:25 Leave the house and catch the first bus I see coming: the 30x, 30, or 47
8:28 On this day, I get on the 47 and ride it until the last stop at Fisherman’s Wharf
8:42 Take the F cable car to Green Street
8:48 Unlock the front door (happen to be the first one in the office) and disable the alarm
8:55 Set down my things and start the coffeemaker while my computer turns on and email loads up
9:00-9:45 Reply to emails from clients and vendors regarding current projects
9:45-10:00 Upload client-requested files and images to an FTP site
10:00-11:00 Coordinate changes on an ad per client feedback, review the layout, and send to client for approval
11:00-11:30 Check in with clients regarding pending approvals, troubleshoot and check that links works on one of our online projects
11:30-12:15 Write up a recap of a previous TV & Online campaign’s performance
12:15-12:30 Prepare a package of DVDs to send to one of our media partners
12:30-1:15 LUNCH — pick up a burrito at a nearby taco truck
1:15-2:30 Reply to more emails; coordinate a conference call with media reps to review proposed ad layouts
2:30-3:15 Review invoices, recording and applying costs to specific jobs
3:15-4:00 Reply to more emails; present revised print ad layouts and generate ISCI codes
4:00-4:30 Proofread and gather final materials to ship off for an added-value opportunity
4:30-5:15 Team meeting & status of current TV projects
5:15-5:40 Search on stock photography sites for requested imagery
5:40-6:15 Prepare invoices for client billing; put together a production schedule
6:15-7:00 Proofread layouts, have files prepped, contact vendor and provide print instructions for delivering materials to publications the next day
7:15-7:30 Reply to any last emails and begin shutting down, making sure everything is lined up for the next day
7:50 Catch the 45, walk home from the bus stop
8:20-11pm Make dinner, unwind and watch Modern Family, BED
Wow! I’m tired just reading about Mariella’s 12 hour workday! Mariella was nice enough to offer some comments on her day as well. “That’s it in a nutshell I think! Pretty average day, with no fire drills and no reasons to stay until midnight. That said, it’s an industry that is very fast-paced and keeps you on your toes, which is what I like. No day is like any other. You never know what kind of surprises you’ll get, and you have to be prepared to problem-solve and keep moving forward on any assignment in order to meet the deadline and clients demands. Having solid relationships with your team, client, and vendors is also critical to developing and producing successful campaign pieces, where in the end the efforts really merit the results.” I know from my communication with her that Mariella does sometimes have days when she is at the office until midnight. But what I think is great is that even with a really busy schedule, Mariella likes her work.
Congratulations, Mariella, on your position! FYI, Mariella had a very distiguished career here in our department. She was President of Lambda Pi Eta, a winner of the Outstanding Communication Studies Student Award, and class Valedictorian! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments!
I am always on the lookout for students, alums, and staff members to profile in “A Day in the Life” posts. Contact me at if you are interested.
Mariella my dear…you work too hard! 🙂