I am very happy that Julia Dowd, Acting Director of University Ministry here at USF, agreed to participate in our blog! Julia graduated of the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA, and served for a year in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in San Francisco where she worked at the Hamilton Family Center as a case manager. She joined the staff of St. Ignatius Church in 1995 where she served as Director of Social Ministries. In 2003 Julia joined the staff of USF, first as Program Development Coordinator at the Leo T. McCarthy Center for Public Service and the Common Good and then as Associate Director of the Joan and Ralph Lane Center for Catholic Studies and Social Thought. Julia received a Bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies with a concentration in Peace and Conflict Studies from Holy Cross, a Master’s in Theology and a Master’s in Nonprofit Administration from USF. Julia is a member of the Board of Directors of the Ignatian Solidarity Network, a national network of Jesuit-affiliated schools and organizations focusing on social justice education and advocacy. Here’s “A Day in the Life” of Julia Dowd: March 30, 2011:
6:30 am Get up. Make coffee. My youngest son Gus (2) is up too. I check my email until he steals my phone to play Thomas the Train games. I put on a movie (Shaun the Sheep) for him.
6:45 am Grab a cup of coffee. Escape to a quiet room for 15 minute morning mediation.
7:00 am Wake up Tim (husband) and oldest son Milo (5). Make breakfast and pack lunches.
7:30 am Shower and get dressed.
8:15 am Carpool Milo and his friend Ava to kids camp in Golden Gate Park (his preschool is on Spring Break).
8:45 am Drop off kids at camp.
9:00 am Get to USF. Phone call with HR.
9:15 am Respond to emails. Chat with University Ministry student and USF senior Laura Gengler about her application to the White House Interfaith Initiative sponsored by President Obama.
9:30 am Prep for staff meeting.
9:45 am Check in with UM associate director about our upcoming end-of-the-year staff retreat.
10:00 am Staff meeting.
11:00 am Respond to some emails.
11:15 am Prepare for Ignatian Spirituality Seminar with staff and faculty.
12:00 pm Facilitate conversation with faculty and staff on Ignatian spirituality at our weekly Ignatian Spirituality Seminar. Find out more about this seminar here: http://www.usfca.edu/University_Ministry/Ignatian_Spirituality/
1:00 pm Check and respond to email.
1:25 pm Meeting with co-worker about a few different projects.
2:20 pm More email…
2:50 pm A quick walk around the block to get some fresh air. What a gorgeous day!
3:00 pm Meet with Resident Ministry Intern Bobby Johnson about his recent immersion trip with USF students to El Salvador. Find out more about the Arrupe Immersion Program here: http://www.usfca.edu/University_Ministry/Arrupe_Immersion_Progams/
3:45 pm Work on grant proposal for the USF Jesuit Foundation.
4:35 pm Leave USF to go get kids at camp.
5:40 pm Home with kids. Make and eat dinner.
7:00 pm Quick bike ride with Milo around the block on his new bike.
7:30 pm Kids in pjs, books and to bed.
8:00 pm More email. Straighten up the house. Finish some work projects.
9:30 pm Go to bed and read for a bit. I’m reading (and highly recommend) The Social Animal by David Brooks. Very interesting overview of behavioral psychology that argues we are much more emotional creatures that we tend to think.
Thanks, Julia, for taking us through your day!
The University Ministry Interfaith Meditation Room is located in Lower Phelan Hall and is open to all, Monday-Friday 8:30-6:00. Interfaith Week is coming up April 10-16, 2011.
University Ministry offers a lot of programs throughout the year, including retreats, immersion programs, lenten programs, and tutoring programs. You can find out more by visiting their website: http://www.usfca.edu/universityministry/ or following them on twitter: @usfUM. Oh, and don’t think you have to be Catholic to take advantage of the programs put on by University Ministry. Although they ground themselves in the principles of Ignatian Spirituality and the Jesuit tradition, they encouage students of all faiths to participate in their programs.
Are you involved with University Ministry? Comment back!