In honor of our upcoming Communication Studies Game Day (it’s this Sunday, May 1st at 1:00 at Benedetti Diamond!), today’s “A Day in the Life” features Senior Communication Studies major and right-handed pitcher, #15 on the Dons men’s baseball team, Sean Burns! Here is A Day in the Life of Sean, March 30, 2011:
10:00am- wake up and make breakfast.
11:00am- clean kitchen.
11:15am- shower and get ready for class.
11:45am- first class starts: Drawing for Non-Majors.
2:30pm- first class is over.
2:50pm- baseball practice starts. We typically have two practice days during the week. The team usually goes through a number of things, which include: batting practice, team defense drills, our own individual throwing programs (long toss, bullpens, etc.), conditioning (sprints, agility drills, core exercises, etc.), and weight training after we finish our work on the field.
4:15pm- practice ends.
4:20pm- shower in locker room.
4:35pm- Get something to eat from the cafeteria.
4:45pm- Second class starts: Law, Politics, and Baseball.
6:25pm- Second class ends.
6:30pm- Third class starts: Advertising Planning and Placement.
9:15pm- Third class ends.
9:30pm- Arrive back at home.
9:45pm- Eat dinner.
10:00pm- Homework/study.
11:00pm- Call girlfriend and relax.
11:45pm- Go to sleep.
Sean, like the other players, juggles practice and three games per week with a full load of classes. The baseball team has a jam-packed schedule, playing 55 games in the regular season!
Come join us to cheer on Sean and the rest of the team this Sunday at our Communication Studies Game Day! 1:00 at Benedetti Diamond! The #1 ranked Dons will take on the #3 ranked Lions of LMU. Fun fact: Baseball players are highly superstitious, so in addition to watching the field, I’ll have my eye on the dugout to catch some of the team’s game time rituals.
Thanks, Sean, for taking us through your day! Congratulations to you and the rest of the team on your season and good luck this weekend! Go Dons!
Photos courtesy of Alex Crook and the USF Athletics Department.