Graduating Student Chronicles, Ch. 1: Melissa Jenkins

Beginning last semester, I asked a graduating student to blog during their last semester here at USF. I am so happy that this semester, senior Communication Studies major Melissa Jenkins, who will be graduating in December, agreed to document her thoughts on her last semester of college for us here on the blog! Here we go…

Soon-to-be COMS graduate Melissa

“Hi everyone, my name is Melissa Jenkins.  It’s my last semester at USF!  I’m so excited to finally be a graduate, but at the same time it’s a bit bittersweet feeling.  I remember the day I received my acceptance letter to USF in the mail.  I had just finished up at a local JC, and had absolutely no idea what my next step was going to be, but applying to USF was a ‘what if’ kind of pipe dream, or at least that’s what I thought.  I had the GPA, but for some reason I just didn’t think it would happen! I remember opening the acceptance letter and being so excited I cried!

This semester has been going by so fast; I think it has something to do with it being my last! The goal for me this semester has been to do just as well as I have in previous semesters while working 20 hours a week at the same time.  It’s definitely tough, but doable as I’m sure a lot of you know!

There are so many things I am going to miss about USF.  I love the campus. I don’t think we always realize how amazing it is, and how lucky we are to get up every morning and be able to go to school on such a beautiful campus.  I’m also going to miss my friends and the Professors I’ve come to know so well over the years that I’ve been here.  Something you notice right out of the gate is how amazingly attentive most of the Professors are at USF, they’re really there for you on an academic level, and it’s the first time I really felt like my success actually was their success.

It’s strange for me to look back on my first semester at USF, I was so nervous to be at a new school where I didn’t know anyone or where any of my classes were!  I think everyone goes through that, but once the nerves settle, most people start to realize just how fortunate we all are to be able to call USF ours.  This semester has become a semester of ‘appreciation’ for me.  Appreciating the opportunity to be a part of USF, to have had such amazing professors, and also great anticipation for the graduation ceremonies we are all looking forward to!  There’s a definite sense of pride for me when I think about being able to say I graduated from USF, and my family is definitely proud!  Knowing that I will be the first one in my family to graduate form a University is a great feeling, and I can’t help but hope that I am setting the bar for my family’s youngest members! The opportunities I’ve had at USF have been huge, and I think for the first time in my life I was able to start to grow into the person I always wanted to be.

COMS student Melissa

There are just a few more months until graduation, so it’s time to order announcements and plan the graduation party. I can’t wait!”

Congratulations, Melissa! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments!


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